
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Heads to PC on August 18

Its processor should be a CPU Core i3 at 2.5GHz, RAM capacity of 4GB, a GTX560Ti or AMD Radeon 7790 mp4 [H.264], a DirectX verion 11 or more and 30 GB of available space. Unlike many past Final Fantasy games, “Type-0” has no main protagonist and instead gives an equal amount of spotlight to each of its 14 playable characters. Those who pre-order the game will earn themselves some rather unusual bonuses, including a pair of in-game items for a certain Steam-native MOBA.


The motion blur will be fixed on the console version with a patch. There will of course be controller support, but PC gamers will want to temper their expectations in terms of the graphics as this was once a PSP game.

Video: GTX750 mp4 [H.264]. Those who pre-order the game prior to its release will be a Master Chocobo as your courier and a Class Zero Moogle as your ward in DOTA 2. Select fans will also get the chance to play “Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae 2.0” at the booth.

“A teaser demo of Final Fantasy XV has been shown off, hinting that a PC version is in the works”, the publication claimed. In-game adjustments have also been made, like tweaks to the battle camera, speed boosts, and the ability to make it even more bloody. With the graphical improvements over the current release, as well as the bevy of features listed above, Final Fantasy fans on PC will have plenty to dive into come August 18.

“We are bringing dramatic changes to the Final Fantasy VII Remake so we’re hoping that you’ll look forward to additional information that we’ll be able to release when the time comes”.


[Image via Square Enix].

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