
Cruz won’t say if he would support Trump as Republican nominee

Footage of the incident shows Fiorina dropping quickly, with Cruz apparently unaware as he enters and waves to the crowd.


Some have said that police officers in U.S. cities are now reluctant to do their jobs, for fear that they will be prosecuted if they are forced to discharge their firearm. Ted Cruz’s campaign, Kasich isn’t campaigning in the Hoosier State, which votes on Tuesday.

The poll showed the depth of the challenge facing Cruz, a conservative USA senator from Texas who is trying to prevent Trump from winning the 1,237 delegates needed to seal the nomination.

A Democratic candidate needs 2,383 delegates to win the nomination. But as Temple noted, a candidate can win the most votes statewide without winning a corresponding number of delegates.

Encouraged by a new poll giving him a double-digit lead in the state and eager to pivot to the general election, the Republican front-runner stressed the importance of Indiana’s Tuesday GOP primary more than he or his top advisers have previously. “What he said was a lot worse than what I said, and I’m going to use that”, Trump said.

One troupe performed for Republicans at the weekend party convention in a hotel near the San Francisco International Airport, as a sideshow of left-wing demonstrators chanted, threw eggs, taunted a protective ring of state and local cops and otherwise tried to disrupt the main show inside.

Cruz spoke to the convention Saturday afternoon and highlighted his running mate, saying she’d be the first Californian on a national ticket since Reagan, although she lives in Virginia, home to many national political aspirants.

Trump’s supporters overwhelmed the other campaigns at well-attended caucuses across the state. While Trump has not held traditional fundraisers and lacks a financial team to solicit checks, his campaign website features a large, red “donate” button.

Delegates were originally asked to vote by email on the party’s proposed slate.

“Once I start on Hillary, you’ll see the numbers change”, Trump told “Fox News Sunday”.

“In the interest of party unity, I am willing to reschedule the vote at an in person meeting”, Horn wrote in the email.

The Trump campaign did not respond to a request for comment. If I were Donald Trump, I wouldn’t have come over and talked to you. His motorcade pulled up at Shapiro’s Delicatessen just after 1:15 p.m., and the candidate received applause when he walked inside.

Supporters of businessman Donald Trump in Arizona screamed foul after Texas Sen.

Still, he pressed a plea for IN voters to deliver him a victory Tuesday that he said would empower him to focus on Clinton.

Trump then ordered a Reuben sandwich and a Diet Coke.

The real-estate billionaire also targeted Cruz, dismissing his closest Republican rival’s criticism of Trump’s endorsement by former boxing champion Mike Tyson, whom Cruz called a rapist.

And he’s acknowledging that’s a big challenge. Ted Cruz was blitzing through IN on Monday IN a desperate bid to overtake Donald Trump IN the state’s primary and keep his own White House hopes alive. The Vermont senator says he will “fight as hard as we can for every vote”.

He spoke to reporters after greeting hundreds of people in northern in at a popular breakfast stop a day before the state’s crucial primary.

Rivals Ted Cruz and John Kasich remain in the race and are hoping to force a contested convention by denying Trump a majority of delegates.

And he has been trying to rally the politically diverse, working-class swath of voters in northern in, where the industrial economy remains viable but union jobs have declined in recent decades. Already eliminated from reaching 1,237 delegates needed to win the nomination outright, he desperately needs a victory in IN to keep Trump from that number and press ahead with his strategy of claiming the nomination at a contested convention in Cleveland this summer. Cruz also went after Trump senior campaign aide Paul Manafort for his history in politics. Trump is holding a pair of rallies in the state.

Look out for Bernie Sanders to help front-runner Donald Trump compete against Democrat Hillary Clinton.

“If she were not a woman, she wouldn’t even be in this race”, he added. In April he raised 26 million dollars, compared to 46 million in March.

“She’ll be campaigning and raising money later this week in California and in Texas”.

Clinton’s campaign says she has $30 million in the bank heading into May.


Earlier last month, hundreds of protesters were arrested in front of the Capitol Hill for protesting against corrupt politicians and the influence of money in politics in the United States elections.

GOP 2016 Cruz