
Calling GOP nomination race ‘over’, Trump sharpens attacks on Clinton

Speaking to the Detroit NAACP annual dinner Sunday night, Clinton didn’t mention Sanders at all, instead she focused on her likely Republican opponent, attacking Donald Trump by name. We’ve got some candidates in the race who are trying to set Americans against one another. When election day came around, most voted for Obama. “You’d always like to be in a situation where you don’t have that, but I think they’ll manage it”.


“I would ask the superdelegates from the state of Washington to respect the wishes of the people in their state”, he said.

California sends 317 district-level delegates to the Democratic National Convention.

He would need to win more than 82 percent of the remaining delegates and uncommitted superdelegates through June if he hopes to clinch the nomination; now, Sanders has been winning just 39 percent.

There’s a hefty price tag to being a delegate. Indeed, many on the Democratic side don’t like her.

Sanders’ campaign did not report Sunday how much it spent in April or how much it had in the bank at the end of the month. “I’m not going to deal with their temper tantrums or their bullying or their efforts to try to provoke me”.

Not only that, Trump’s approval within the Republicans is rising with a recent poll having him over 50 per cent for the first time. The campaign said last month’s total far outpaces his average of $17 million raised per month.

One of those contenders was Robert Canfield, 18, a senior at Mission Prep.

The Sanders campaign has expressed concern that the Hillary Victory Fund is a tactic to sidestep current FEC regulations in order to solicit six-figure donations. He said that it would be impossible for Hillary Clinton to secure enough pledged delegates in the remaining state contests to secure the nomination before the July convention. Among those not already backing Trump, almost half say the GOP front-runner is their second choice: 43% of non-Trump voters say that if the candidate they support doesn’t get the nomination, Trump is their backup. “I only tell the truth, and that’s why people vote for me”. His campaign has managed to get young voters involved in the political process. “I have an 8-year-old son, and I think it sets a good example that if you believe in something, you should do something about it”.

“My wife called and said there were helicopters following you… and then we went under a fence and through a fence”. He said she will have to “be able to take it” if the two become their parties’ nominees for president.

She railed on the “Republican frontrunner” for “stoking hatred and inciting violence” and warned that a Trump presidency could ruin President Obama’s legacy. Democrats are also eyeing the possibility of making a run at traditionally Republican-leaning states such as Georgia, North Carolina and Arizona, calculating that Trump’s penchant for controversy could put minority and female voters in play.

Though the California Democratic Party chooses its delegates through caucuses, the Republican delegates are chosen in a different manner.

Trump will do the whining if his party nominates someone else, but he’ll have only himself and his clueless advisers to blame.


Dozens of former Sanders volunteers launched “Brand New Congress” last week, a PAC devoted to backing candidates who mirror Sanders’ progressive agenda.

US Presidential elections 2016 Will easily defeat Hillary Clinton says Donald Trump