
SMELL POLICE: Council Officer Reprimands Resident for Allowing His BBQ SMELL

Since September 2014 the residence has been the subject of 15 barbecue-related complaints, 14 of which were filed by the same neighbor.


However, in the release, the county says the inspector was not there to regulate barbecue grilling.

Graham proceeds to pull out his handbook and informs the men that neighbors are allowed to call in if they have concerns about barbecue smoke.

Closterman said the county employees try to help dispute between neighbors over things such as grilling smoke so as they can all get along.

“Everybody else cooks out around here, and nobody harasses them”, Chris Matt tells Graham. He says she’s harassing them.

The brothers grew up in the house since 1973, but moved back three years ago after their mother died. The odors from the smoke are noxious and have adversely affected my health and the use of my home. My neighbors and their friends have resorted to yelling at me and other harassment including the recently posted video of theirs in which the concluding comment to the county official was to “go over there and shoot the b–“.

She also provided a photo of a carbon monoxide detector in her home that shows a reading of 170 parts per million, a concentration that can cause headaches, fatigue and nausea, according to the Tampa Bay Times. That’s not the case.

Pinellas County Air Quality found itself in the unusual position of having to state the obvious Monday: “There is no ban, absolutely no ban on backyard grilling in Pinellas County and no fines or citations have been issued” division manager Ajaya Satyal told FOX 13 News. “It is not illegal, It is absolutely legal”, said Ajaya Satyal with Pinellas County Air Quality.


The owner was cited by the city of St. Petersburg for the possession of commercial grilling equipment in a residential neighborhood. According to SaintPetersBlog, no citation was issued to Jordan. “We’re very good cooks”.

Florida official says bbq smoke can't cross property line