
Cruz picks Fiorina as running mate

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is expected to announce Wednesday that he is choosing former GOP rival Carly Fiorina as his running mate.


Her minor political celebrity is unlikely to help Cruz’s campaign in a general election against Hillary Clinton, further reinforcing the notion that the announcement could be little more than a dying gasp for the Texas senator’s presidential ambitions.

If Cruz can win a large share of the Midwestern state’s 57 delegates, it will boost the chances that Trump will not be able to amass the 1,237-delegate majority he needs to clinch the nomination on the convention’s first ballot. While the real estate mogul is still short of enough support to be formally named the party’s presumptive nominee, Cruz will need a significant win in Indiana’s May 3 primary to maintain momentum for his anti-Trump movement.

“We need to fix that and we can fix that, but we’re not if we keep electing people who put more power in Washington D.C., more money in NY and that’s what’s going on”, Fiorina said. “I think what I would say to people is, look they’re really important issues, a lot is at stake”.

Ted Cruz’s decision to name Carly Fiorina his vice presidential pick Wednesday certainly raised a few eyebrows.

“Naming Carly’s dumb, because Carly didn’t do well”. “She had one good debate – not against me – she had the debate on the other stage, if you remember”.

In her speech, Fiorina added that she’s “very proud and humbled and honored” to accept Cruz’s offer of a spot on his ticket.

Past year she went through a weird ordeal after being filmed saying equal marriage would become the “law of the land”, before denying outright that she had ever said it.

She was dogged by questions about her record at Hewlett-Packard, where she was hired as CEO in 1999. She was sacked six years later, after leading a major merger with Compaq and laying off 30,000 workers.

Democrats quickly attacked the Cruz-Fiorina alliance.

“Someone’s character is revealed in the pattern of their life”, she said, “not in what they tend to say behind a podium when they’re looking for a job”.

“When you run for president, one of the most solemn choices you make is the choice of a Vice Presidential candidate”, Cruz continued”.

And Fiorina fails that test, he said.


“The voters deserve to know”, Cruz said.

GOP 2016 Cruz