
Sanders vows contested convention, urges superdelegates to ditch Clinton

Donald Trump crushed his Republican rivals in Indiana’s primary on Tuesday, bringing him to the brink of outright victory in the presidential nomination race and dashing the hopes of a movement bent on stopping him. The Democratic race remains too close to call.


Sanders is spending about $1 million on ads in IN during the week leading up to Tuesday’s primary, and senior media adviser Tad Devine said the campaign will decide on a state-by-state basis where it needs to spend money next. Sanders is hopeful that his gradual climb will be enough to maintain his campaign as both candidates prepare for the Democratic Convention in August.

When including superdelegates, Sanders would need to win more than 82 percent of the remaining delegates and uncommitted superdelegates.

It’s a blowout. Sanders beats Trump and has twenty-four electoral votes to spare while Clinton would be sixty-two delegates short.

That date could move up sooner if Clinton does better than expected in the May contests and picks up many more superdelegate endorsements. I don’t think the conservative base of this party is ready to throw everything over to Donald Trump. Most recently, Stutzman has come under fire for paying his brother-in-law (who had no previous political experience) more than $170,000 from his campaign account.

Trump has repeatedly hit Clinton for playing the ‘woman card, ‘ while his team has been warning that it won’t shy from going after Clinton on the Monica Lewinsky scandal if the Clinton camp is willing to tag him as a sexist.

According to CNN’s exit polls, Sanders was winning with men in IN, with 56 percent of the vote to Clinton’s 44 percent. But with Cruz disliked by many of his colleagues in Congress, and his campaign failing to rebound, there were increasing signs that the establishment has accepted backing Trump.

In a statement to supporters Sanders vowed to keep competing “until the last vote is cast”.

Republican presidential candidate, Sen.

The latest contest in the 2016 White House race was also seen as a day of reckoning for the “stop Trump” movement.

“Trump surged to more than 10 million votes, according to totals that include Tuesday’s preliminary results across the Northeast”.

No. It’s not clear if Sanders means that he should get proportional support — for instance, 60 percent of the superdelegates in a state if he wins 60 percent of the vote — or if he is entitled to all the state’s superdelegates even if he wins a small majority of the state’s popular vote. “They must have dozens and dozens of opposition researchers”, Sanders said.

Even while fending off Sanders, the extended primary fight on the Republican side between Trump, Texas Sen.

To win on those issues, Sanders has to concentrate his resources on the long and uncertain path of taking over the Democratic Party, as Drum describes.


His strong showings in NY and five other states in the past several weeks makes it more likely the real estate tycoon will reach 1,237 bound delegates before the convention, ensuring his ability to win the nomination on the first ballot.

Madonna Rea shakes hands with Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders as he has breakfast at Peppy Grill on Tuesday in Indianapolis Indiana