
Former New York Speaker Sentenced to 12 Years Over Corruption Scandal

None of the Democratic Assembly members from the Mid-Hudson commented Tuesday on former Speaker Sheldon Silver’s federal prison sentence of 12 years.


Steven Molo, one of Silver’s lawyers, had asked Caproni for a “sentence that tempers justice with mercy”, citing Silver’s age, health and what he described as a lifetime of good works for the people of NY.

Silver must also pay a $1.75-million fine and forfeit 5 million dollars in proceeds from the criminal enterprise.

When asked how he felt when he heard about Silver’s 12 year prison sentence, he told us it was troubling as he was there when former Governor Elliott Spitzer left the Capital, and from his assembly class in 2005.

Both lawmakers agree that the new beginning will include ethics reform. Since I was elected, I have been a vocal proponent of common-sense ideas to clean up state government.

I failed the people of NY.

Silver amassed $3m in referral fees from personal injury claims and millions more from real estate developers and investments.

Silver’s lawyers have vowed to appeal.

She expressed the hope that Silver’s sentence would serve as a deterrent to politicians and generate a “fear of living out his golden years in an orange jumpsuit”.

In a Twitter post shortly after Silver’s sentencing, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said, “Today’s stiff sentence is a just and fitting end to Sheldon Silver’s long career of corruption”. While cameras swarmed around Silver and his attorneys, the mob slowly moved out to Centre Street, where news crews were pushing and shoving to get a clear shot.

Howard Slonim former president of the Lower East Side Business Improvement District, who wrote, “Mr. Silver deserves consideration at his sentencing for the beneficial deeds, helpful programs and economic assistance provided to a community that was very “down” as a result of” the 9/11 attacks.

In a statement at the sentencing hearing Tuesday, Silver said, “Without question, I let down my constituents, I let down my family, let down my colleagues, and I’m truly, truly sorry for that”.

Meanwhile, another top lawmaker – former GOP Senate leader Dean Skelos of Long Island is set to be sentenced later this month after being convicted a year ago of using his position to arrange payments and a job for his son.

I realize that Shelly was convicted and that the nature of the crimes suggest that he cheated or betrayed New Yorkers.

Caproni, who listed some of Silver’s misdeeds, said: “Silver, those are not the actions of an honest person”.


“None involve an official as high up in New York government as you were”, she said, referring to other convicted politicians, The New York Daily News reported.

Sheldon Silver Sentenced to 12 Years in the Slammer