
Malia Obama Will Be Attending Harvard University Come Fall 2017

Malia’s exciting news came shortly after her dad delivered a brilliant speech at his last ever White House Correspondents’ dinner, where the 54-year-old joked about meeting Prince George.


Students who take a year off can “explore careers, work and earn money, and learn new skills”, the Post promises. But many colleges also believe that students who take gap years bring a lot to their campuses when they arrive.

A survey conducted by the American Gap Association found that each year 30,000 to 40,000 students take advantage of the program and that participation in the gap year has increased by 22 percent since 2015. Times Union even followed Elite Daily suit and defined it: “Some colleges endorse a “gap year” in which a student defers enrollment for a year to travel, pursue special projects or activities or work or spend time in other meaningful ways'”. Selingo writes that a gap year often helps students process why they’re going to college and what they want to get out out of the experience. Still, the percentage of students who decide to take a year off is minuscule – generally 1 percent or less of an admitted class, ABC News reports.

He says the academic hiatus, known as a “gap year”, delivered more than he expected. Her experience is common for students in Europe, but it hasn’t yet reached Nebraska.

The first lady has said Malia wants to be a filmmaker.

Malia visited at least a dozen public and private colleges on the East Coast during her search, except for Stanford and the University of California, Berkeley.

The most inoffensive remarks only accused Malia of getting into Harvard due to Affirmative Action -a policy of favoring members of disadvantaged communities who suffer discrimination.

“FSU believes in educating global citizens and we see taking a gap year as another opportunity for our students to engage in activities that promote social awareness and responsibility”, she said. “When these adolescents are compared with those who continue their studies directly after upper secondary school, those who take a gap year quickly catch up with the others in terms of study motivation and the effort they put into theirstudies”.

A group called “Where There Be Dragons” offers global gap year programs.

“We know how transformative gap year education can be”, he said.

An essay co-authored by Harvard’s dean of admissions, William Fitzsimmons, titled Time Out or Burn Out for the Next Generation, suggested that the constant “chase for the prize” has deprived America’s young people of the breaks they need while growing up, and problems can develop once they start college.

“Of course, the folks at the event assumed Harvard would best the other Ivys”, said media relations guru Geri Deterlein, who was among the 600 revelers at the soiree. Once they have been accepted to FSU, they can apply for the Gap Year standing.


Amid recent incidents of racism and intolerance at predominately white institutions, many hoped that the eldest Obama daughter would have chosen to attend a historically Black college or university.

Malia Obama