
John Kasich to end White House bid, sources say

At an event following opponent Ted Cruz’s withdrawal from the race, the presumptive GOP nominee promised that “we’re going to win bigly” as a nation, correcting what he sees as a string of domestic and foreign policy losses in recent years.


Obviously, this means that GOP presidential frontrunner and part-time Palm Beacher Donald J. Trump can now focus his attention on Democratic frontrunner and likely November rival Hillary Clinton.

But if Trump were to improve his margin by five points, Clinton would lose Ohio, North Carolina, and Florida – and still beat Trump with 285 electoral college votes to 253.

“I am confident I can unite much of” the GOP Trump said Wednesday on NBC’s “Today Show, as several prominent Republicans said they’d prefer Democrat Clinton over the NY billionaire”.

Beruff called on the four other Republicans running against him in the Senate race to back Trump.

“I don’t like to change”, Trump said, noting that he already feels like he is “a presidential person”. He wrote that asking for unity behind Trump “is to ask people to betray their most closely held beliefs and values”.

Mr Trump’s win was an extraordinary moment in American political history.

Tuesday night he called his victory the start of “momentum” in his campaign and told his supporters that the main goal is to keep Trump out of the White House.

What is their plan moving forward?

Trump’s immediate challenge is to unite deep fissures within the Republican Party, easing tensions with party loyalists who are appalled at his bullying style, his treatment of women and his proposals to build a wall on the border with Mexico and deport 11 million illegal immigrants.

Some of the names that have been floated include Brown, who said he would consider joining the ticket if asked.

Some conservative leaders were planning a Wednesday meeting to assess the viability of launching a third party candidacy to compete with him in the autumn.

As remarkable as Mr Trump’s achievement is, his expected nomination also poses undeniable peril to the party he is poised to lead.

“I’m really looking at small contributions, not the big ones”.

“Let’s hope Texas doesn’t get to the point where it’s a Utah”, Krause said. I put it away”, said Trump in an interview on Wednesday, “I thought I’d be out there and she’d be campaigning against me. “My heart goes out to Cruz who has a bright future. He did the unselfish thing to drop out”.

Clinton lost the IN primary to Bernie Sanders, 53 to 47-percent. But the outcome will not slow the former first lady’s march to the Democratic nomination. Clinton spent virtually no money and very little energy seeking Hoosier votes as she moved on to OH and West Virginia.

Reached for comment, Howe said, “I would never imagine that Hillary Clinton would nominate a pro-choice SCOTUS justice, pass tax increases, and institute a carbon tax while simultaneously claiming to represent the views of conservatives”.

In what became a two-man race late Tuesday night, Kasich was actually in fourth place. But Ohio’s struggling manufacturing base and its hard-pressed blue-collar voters could provide a receptive audience for Trump’s message in the general election.

Trump said the tone of his general election campaign – most likely against front-runner Clinton – would hinge on the tone the Democrat’s campaign sets.

This morning’ development is not that surprising, given Kasich was running fourth in a two-way race.


Speaking to reporters in Columbus, Ohio, Kasich didn’t outline his reasons for ending his bid or mention Trump.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich pulled the plug on his long-shot Republican presidential bid Tuesday. Kasich a moderate voice who tried to portray himself as the adult in the Republican primary field but failed to win any state but his own. (Nathaniel Brooks  The N