
Explore a New, Harder Dark Zone Area in The Division Soon

Rumors have it that the upcoming “The Division” update will address the complaints of the players. Considering this was supposed to be the most hard challenge yet in “The Division” – with Falcon Lost only being accessible to players who have reached the level 30 limit and completed “General Assembly”, the final storyline mission – that was a lot of reward for little effort. It was revealed at the livestream that Ubisoft already implemented a new daily mission system that ensures that daily missions will always be available.


The Dark Zone will also be receiving a new bracket for players with a DZ Rank of 201 and above, which Agents will be able to pick up loot with a Gear Score of 204 to 240 while Division Tech drops will only be High End. The number of High End Performance Mods dropped will also be reduced, hopefully lessening the disappointment when you see a flash of gold, only for it to not be that gun or piece of gear you’d been hoping for.

“The Division” players should also expect more brand-new activities in Dark Zone and Manhattan.


As for bug fixes, the confirmed ones for now are for the Reckless and One is None Talent. Instead of making strong gear weaker, Ubisoft plans to make weaker gear stronger as a way to create balance. Not much is now known about the changes that will be coming to The Division with the new update, but today more on the matter has emerged online. However, what those buffs are presently unknown.
