
Avengers: Infinity War films Won’t Be Titled Part I, Part II

With all of the latest trailers and teaser clips showing up for the new Captain America: Civil War film, you have to wonder what’s left of the upcoming Marvel film.


There you have it, MCU fans, the climactic cap off to Phase 3 hasn’t even had its big title revealed yet.

How to combat the perception, somewhat justified, that superhero movies have become spectacles of computer-generated special effects – that they’ve simply gotten too big? At the very least, it seems to have upped the already impressive game demonstrated in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and erased most of the shrugs that were associated with Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Marvel Studios has released a new and unique promo for Captain America: Civil War.

Perhaps they’ll change the names to include all the characters so that people know it’s a big-honking Avenger’s film? The audience is presented with the interesting fact that the Avengers should be answerable to someone, and they should take responsibility for their actions. It was the introduction of the Hulk Buster, Iron Man’s response to The Hulk losing control of himself. They are joined by two new characters: Black Panther and (finally!) Spider Man. Each character’s personality is showcased in this action-packed scene, which is sure to delight any Marvel fan.

There’s also Black Panther, played by Chadwick Boseman.

Captain America is my favorite character in this universe, although several others come pretty close. Best enjoyed in IMAX 3D or even standard 3D, Captain America: Civil War will not disappoint you as far as graphics are concerned.


No good guy or bad guy: Since this is a movie about two “good” superheroes, there’s no real good guy or bad guy here. You can also meet Captain America and Spider-Man at Disney California Adventure. Excuse me for going on a tangent but I love the Marvel/Netflix shows because you have so much more time to spend with your villains. Will the heroes of the Marvel Universe survive the unthinkable happening?

Captain America Civil War