
John Kasich’s Star Wars day video predicted gloom and doom for Republicans

And Romney, who briefly considered a 2016 bid himself, stumped for Ohio Gov. John Kasich and supported Sen.


In his original tweet, Mayes wrote that Trump “hasn’t proven ready for POTUS”.

Blitzer then asked Trump if he was going to vet Kasich as a vice presidential nominee.

The Republican competition changed dramatically with Trump’s IN victory and Ted Cruz’s abrupt decision to quit.

Kasich, the OH governor who stayed in the race in hopes of persuading Republicans to choose him as the nominee at a contested convention in July, made plans to get out of the race now that a contested convention has been averted.

“I don’t think we can take a risk on a loose cannon like Donald Trump”, she said. State party rules require the delegates to vote for their candidates until formally released by them.

A few weeks ago, Cruz and Kasich chose to join forces to try and halt Trump’s drive to the presidential nomination by preventing him from garnering the 1,237 GOP delegates needed, thus ensuring a brokered or open convention where they might each have a greater chance to get the party’s nod.

Kasich canceled a speech in Virginia earlier Wednesday and returned to his home state of OH amid reports that he was bowing out.

Trump also said he was surprised Clinton still hadn’t silenced her opponent and wrapped up the Democratic primary by now. The campaign will tap his expansive personal Rolodex and a new base of supporters who aren’t on party rolls, two Trump advisers said. He said that proves “the ideas that we are fighting for are the ideas of the future of America and the future of the Democratic Party”.

In a live internet broadcast Wednesday, Post took a Ted Cruz campaign sign off his pickup truck.

Hillary Clinton’s anti-Trump ad.

Most Republicans remained oblivious while Trump plotted the political equivalent of a corporate takeover. Catching her remains possible, but improbable.


Before June 7, though it is mathematically impossible for Trump to clinch the nomination with only bound delegates, he could still hit the winning delegate number with unbound (free agent) delegates after the primaries in OR and Washington, which happen in late May.

Watch Obama and Seth Meyers viciously mock Donald Trump to his face in 2011