
Obama on election: ‘This is not entertainment’

But what I am concerned about is the degree to which reporting and information starts emphasizing the spectacle and the circus because that’s not something we can afford. He also said he’d get behind whoever the Republican nominee ends up being, which looks to be Trump. “This is not a reality show. This is a contest for the presidency of the United States”, said Obama.


Obama has said he plans to campaign hard for the nominee, once the party has rallied around a single candidate.

“It means that you’ve got to make sure that their budgets add up”.

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough asked Carson, a retired neurosurgeon surgeon and former presidential hopeful, if the Trump camp would consider looking at Washington insiders to run a alongside the outsider candidate.

“Did you see Donald Trump’s taco-bowl tweet”, a reporter asked Obama during a Friday press conference, referring to the mogul’s Cinco de Mayo-themed posting.

Obama used a visit to Britain last month to say that the United Kingdom would go to the “back of the queue” when it comes to negotiating a US trade deal if it leaves the European Union, calling into question the assertions of the Leave campaign that new agreements could easily be forged.

Donald Trump has received much scrutiny this week, right after a major win in IN on Tuesday.

On Friday, Trump took aim at Clinton over her use of a private email server while US secretary of state.

Obama has previously been critical of Trump’s foreign policy statements, saying they show the former reality television star doesn’t know much about “the world generally”.

Former Texas Governor Rick Perry, who a year ago described Trump as a “cancer on conservatism” while running against him for the Republican nomination, supported him as well. “.2016.general.pdf”>from Wednesday shows Hillary Clinton leading Trump by 13 points, 54 to 41.

“There is no doubt that there is a debate taking place inside the Republican Party about who they are and what they represent”. “I think he gets it”.


While Trump did not mention Ryan in his Charleston speech, an introductory speaker, the Reverend Mark Burns, made reference to it. Ryan has invited Trump to meet with House of Representatives Republican leaders next week, Ryan’s office said on Friday.

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