
Donald Trump starts the general election staring at a potential landslide loss

If you’re asking me in April my position on Donald Trump in November, I don’t know what Donald Trump is going to be standing for in November. He also ran, unsuccessfully, for the Republican presidential nomination in 1988.


Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-AK) wouldn’t say who he voted for in his state’s primary, but told reporters in late February that he would support the nominee even as he criticized Trump. “The first wedge that Donald Trump had that gave him notoriety was, ‘build a wall, ‘ ‘rapist, ‘ ‘murderers, ‘ etc.”, McCain said at the fundraiser.

Apparently, the feeling is mutual because some Republicans have already said they would enthusiastically support Clinton over Trump. I’m focused on the things I’m working on.

Since launching his White House bid last summer as a long shot amid a crowded field that included governors, former governors and United States senators, Trump repeatedly defied predictions that his campaign would implode.

A month later, Trump made his abortion remarks.

Brendan Steinhauser, a former tea party organizer who later managed Cornyn’s 2014 re-election campaign, said Cruz can succeed with more of the same: “I think he has to continue to fight and be who he is”.

“He’s trying, and honestly, he’s trying and I will tell you what, I honestly think he understands that building and unifying and growing the party is the only way we’re going to win”, the chairman told the Playbook breakfast, “and I think he gets that”.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio also came up as a VP option to help Trump win Florida. Her spokesperson confirmed after Trump was determined to be the presumptive nominee that she would support him.

He is the party leader who must not be named.

Trump said he was not surprised about Bush’s stance and was tersely dismissive of Graham.

Of Bush, he said “I will not say he’s low-energy”, reprising a jibe that he used frequently during the primary campaign. He mocked Graham’s poor primary showing, saying: “Like the voters who rejected him, so will I!” “That is not who our Republican party is”.

However, President Barack Obama did say when questioned about it at the White House: “This is not entertainment”. Candidates need to show that they have the qualities to lead the world’s strongest nation, he said.

Toomey’s spokesman Ted Kwong said that Toomey has made clear he disagrees with Trump in several areas, and accused McGinty of being “a total rubber stamp for Hillary Clinton and the Washington party bosses”.

Not endorsing Trump could prove wise should the New Yorker lose the general election handily. Women vote in higher numbers than men – in 2012, 10 million more women cast ballots than men – and vote more heavily Democratic.

For example, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin detracted from the presidential campaign of Sen. But he said Trump would likely appoint a conservative to the U.S. Supreme Court, a priority for many on the political right. She said authorities would knock on doors, “hauling people out of their beds and their workplaces”.

As the reality of the GOP divisions sank in, meanwhile, some Republicans were not shy about expressing their displeasure with Ryan.

“Yesterday’s statement emboldens others to be equally publicly hard”. Realistically, our next president will be either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

This week, Donald Trump, presumptive presidential nominee for the Republican Party, had a watershed moment.

Another thing that worries investors about Trump is his “unpredictability”, and the “uncertainty about what would happen under Trump”, given his thin policy record, adds Laperriere. “One area that Trump has conviction on is trade”.


If Clinton wants to avoid the same fate, she’d better move fast to project some of her less attractive traits onto Trump.
