
Sacrificial Love: Thoughts For Mother’s Day

These things can be as simple as saying “I love you” or sending flowers, because your mother is wonderful. The gift of time is one most mothers appreciate, although a very large cabochon emerald (intense vivid hue, medium dark green, eye clean, no enhancement) is also good. (For example, please don’t ask all mothers in your church to stand; you’ll leave out those with infertility issues yet again).


Although we all will be thinking of and thanking our mothers, grandmothers and aunts this Mother’s Day, it can not be said enough that such feelings should be expressed the other 364 days – or 365 in some cases – of the year.

Commercialization of the holiday, beginning with Hallmark, led her to boycott Mother’s Day, threaten lawsuits, and stage protests at a candy convention that was exploiting the day for profiteering.

You take your first baby steps into this world by holding your mother’s hand.

Below are various fun trivial facts about Mother’s Day.

The job of a mother is never done and requires a 24/7 commitment. She risked his life and her own by offering him for adoption, which secured his future and his place in God’s plan.

In former Yugoslavia, children would tie up their mother on Mother’s Day.


Thankfully, this year we have the opportunity to do something about this by supporting The Reach Every Mother and Child Act. Learning their names, saying hello and maybe even bringing by some kid-friendly dinner as a surprise to mom would be a great start. We should make a regular practice of blessing our mothers for all the wonderful things they do for us.
