
Obama hosts final Cinco de Mayo reception at White House

With an eye on the commercial potential, restaurant chain Chipotle tweeted that their own taco bowl was probably as good as Mr Trump’s.


As one conservative, Tea-Party leader, Dick Armey, told us, “You can’t call someone ugly and expect them to go to the prom with you”.

“I’m surprised because at the beginning he was talking negatively about Hispanics”, said Maricella Nunez of San Francisco.

Their biggest job this year, making sure Latino voters turned away by Trump don’t stay home.

The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll shows that Hispanics do not have a positive impression of Trump; almost 81 percent view him unfavorably.

But, of course, in typical Donald Trump style, the accompanying message is what has raised more than a few eyebrows.

The day has evolved into many Americans celebrating Mexican food.

Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee for President of the United States.

The Mexican holiday, which translates as “Fifth of May”, commemorates the Mexican Army’s victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862.

Among the comedians joining in on the joke was Josh Gad who thought it was only a matter of time before Trump was going after the Muslim vote in much the same way as he had the Hispanic vote.

“I love Hispanics!” tweeted Trump on the major holiday that originated in Mexico, the country whose migrants Trump previous year characterized as “bringing crime”.

“The majority of the Hispanic people are afraid of him”, he said.

In a February 2013 interview with the Financial Times, Trump also proclaimed the buffet at Trump Grill was ‘the best in NY’.

The taco bowl salad was “inspired” by Mexican food but actually created in America in the 20th century to cater to Americans.


In fact, he managed to combine all three of those things in a Cinco de Mayo tweet aimed at winning back some of the Mexican voters he offended with his “build the wall, make them pay for it” foreign policy.

Trump uses taco bowl to reach out to Hispanic voters on Cinco de Mayo