
Hillary Clinton targets anti-Trump Republicans

Romney becomes the latest former Republican Party standard-bearer who has indicated reluctance to rally around the party’s presumptive nominee. That he castigates as many Republicans as Democrats is another sign of the fractures within the GOP. Lindsey Graham and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, however, said they planned not to vote in November.


Dallas Republican State Representative Jason Villalba fired off an emotional op-ed last night to the Texas Tribune following Donald Trump’s victory in IN and Cruz’s announcement that he was dropping out.

Trump, Dole said, “is our party’s presumptive nominee and our best chance at taking back the White House this November”. Yet, Republicans have ample reason to fear the consequences of a Trump nomination, not only for the presidential election but for contests further down the ballot. “We’re going to work with the party to raise money for down-ballot races to be successful”, said Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s campaign manager, in an interview Thursday.

Trump did not expand upon what he believes Clinton did to “destroy” the lives of those women. “So put that in her bonnet and let’s see what happens”. He also praised the TPP in a Wall Street Journal op-ed written with Texas Sen. To Trump, Warren is a “goofus” and a “basket case” who has done nothing in the Senate.

In the meantime Donald Trump seems to be trying to reach out to Republican leaders despite their known antipathy towards him.

“I.can not in good conscience support Donald Trump because I do not believe he is a reliable Republican conservative nor has he displayed the judgment and temperament to serve as Commander in Chief”, Graham said in a statement. “Republican women voters are going to have to decide, ‘Is that the guy I feel comfortable with in representing me and what I care about?'”

At rallies Friday in Nebraska and Oregon, Trump pounded away at Democratic front-runner Clinton – “crooked Hillary”, his preferred nickname. Still, Trump assured the thousands gathered that “we’re going to be a unified party”.

Rep. Peter King, who in February called Trump “unqualified to be president”, said on CNN’s “The Lead” that he endorsed Trump, “but not with enthusiasm”. New Mexico is now solidly Democratic, and North Carolina is a toss-up after leaning Republican.

“I just want to emphasize the degree of which we are in serious times, and this is a really serious job”, Obama told reporters at the White House.

Republicans here have expressed mixed opinions about whether to support him.

“Yesterday’s statement emboldens others to be equally publicly hard”. The telegenic Wisconsin Republican served as his party’s vice presidential nominee in 2012, was drafted to the high-profile role of House speaker last fall and is seen as having designs on the 2020 presidential nomination himself. Trump responded to Graham by mocking his poor showing in the presidential race and declaring: “Like the voters who rejected him, so will I!” Added Rep. Lou Barletta of Pennsylvania: “The voters of our party have spoken loud and clear, and it’s their voice that matters”.

“He has not displayed a respect for the Constitution”, Bush said of Trump.

Possibly offering an olive branch, Ryan invited Trump to meet with him and fellow party leaders in the House next Thursday.

The remarks are the first time that Trump has raised the former president’s alleged affairs and Hillary Clinton’s behavior amidst a flurry of accusations since becoming the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee.


This year’s presidential election is shaping up to be like none in recent memory with controversial NY billionaire Donald Trump set to win the Republican nomination and face probable Democratic standard-bearer Hillary Clinton in November.

Ann Kirkpatrick waves as she enters a room full of supporters during an election night in Flagstaff Ariz. If 2016 has been the Year of Trump in politics it may also end up being