
Tom Brady’s lawyers granted two more weeks to appeal

Last Monday, Brady’s four-game suspension due to Deflategate has been reinstated by the federal court.


When the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit announced last Monday that the National Football League acted within its collectively bargained rights to suspend New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, Brady’s options to not miss the first four games of the 2016 season were limited. The Patriots won that game over the Indianapolis Colts, putting the Patriots in the final where they won the Super Bowl.

Tom Brady’s legal team secured a small victory Tuesday, earning a 14-day extension on the deadline to file for an en banc rehearing or a trial bench rehearing in the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Brady now has until May 23rd to appeal, much to the NFL’s dismay.

The court ruled 2-1 on April 25 ruled that Commissioner Roger Goodell was within his rights to suspend Brady for four games for his role in using improperly inflated footballs in the 2015 AFC championship game.


Tom Brady is determined to not let DeflateGate end, that is until he has beaten it. He said Brady “had no notice that his discipline would be the equivalent of the discipline imposed upon a player who used performance enhancing drugs”.

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