
Authorities order mosques closed in north Cameroon

“The population must develop a culture of vigilance because Boko Haram has changed strategy”, he said.


A local official, who was reportedly at the scene of the attack, told Reuters that the suicide bomber was a woman.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for either bombing, but Nigeria and increasingly Cameroon have suffered repeated attacks by Boko Haram extremists, including a recent string of suicide attacks by women and girls.

“A girl of around 12 blew herself up between two takeaway sales points”. “Security forces have sealed off the area and have made several arrests”, the state TV channel said.

Since his inauguration on May 29, Buhari has already visited Chad and Niger, two other neighbours of Nigeria that, like Cameroon, have been targeted in cross-border attacks by the Nigeria-based jihadists.

More recently, Nigeria accused Cameroon of doing little to prevent Boko Haram from using their territory as a refuge.

Sunday’s violence followed a series of Boko Haram suicide bombings in the far north of Cameroon, which is taking part in a regional military campaign against the extremists.

Midjiyawa Bakari, governor of Cameroon’s much upper location, told The Associated Press that the explosives were detonated by the attacker inside the common Pont Vert town.

“Troops conducting a massive air and land assault took out two truckloads of terrorists in the Damboa area yesterday”, a Nigerian military source told Anadolu Agency on Monday.

Wednesday’s attacks saw a female, disguised as a merchant and a nine-year-old girl dressed as a beggar setting off bombs.

In a detailed 133-page report, the group blamed the army for the extrajudicial execution of 1,200 people and the torture or arbitrary detention of thousands more.

It comes three days after a double suicide blast in Maroua that killed at least 13 people.

The AFP also quoted Adesina as saying that, “President Buhari is going to Cameroon on Wednesday”.


Some 20,000 people have died in the 6-year-old uprising.

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