
‘Star Wars’ Day is a force with brands on Twitter

Sci-fi fans were given a unique ink opportunity on Wednesday, after a city centre tattoo studio offered drop-in appointments in celebration of Star Wars day.


In a revelation that will have fans everywhere thankful for the often ruthless movie editing process, it appears the original opening of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens was actually more Saw than Star Wars. Interactive has released a brand new trailer for LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Despite their unbelievable popularity, the “Star Wars” films are not easy to find online, especially after Disney/Lucas Film’s acquisition of the franchise in 2012.

As we previously mentioned, the seventh installment of the Star Wars franchise is set approximately 30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi. The Toronto Underground Cinema organized the first official Star Wars Day in 2011, and now it’s an global holiday. Orlando has twice hosted the global convention in 2010 and 2012. Before that happens, however, the first Star Wars spinoff film will premiere later this year, with Rogue One: A Star Wars Story hitting theaters December 16. To celebrate their victory her party took a half page of advertising space in the London Evening News.

If you have an equal knowledge of “Star Wars” and Broadway, then this will definitely make your day, so check out some of the best tweets below. By donating, you’re also entering the draw to win a trip to Ireland, where you’ll get to visit Skellig Michael, a filming location for The Force Awakens and the coming Episode VIII. Some of the responses include “Whiskey in the Jar Jar” and “When You Wish Upon a Death Star”.

A website offers all things related to the movies for the enjoyment of Star Wars’ legions, or millions strong force of fans.

Retailers are trying to turn fan enthusiasm into a profit.


Some information taken from the Associated Press.

May 4 is known as Star Wars Day to fans worldwide since the date is similar to the franchise's slogan'May the Force Be Wi