
Repairing the fracture? Trump, Ryan to meet next week

“ Priebus said. “And so I said, ‘Listen – my view is just relax and be gracious, and I will talk to Paul and we will try to work on this. “The issue here isn’t about Donald Trump – if you can’t hold yourself to the standard you hold everyone else to, the problem is with you”. That was an easier race than we have this year but I’ll win.


Former Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson says he was “personally very disappointed” to hear House Speaker Paul Ryan withhold his support for Donald Trump as the Republican presidential nominee. “The Reform party in particular”, he said during an April 26 appearance on MSNBC. Well excuse me, what happened to the Bushes there?

“The truth is that Barbara Comstock and Donald Trump share an agenda that’s out of touch with Northern Virginia and they’ll share the Trump/Comstock ticket come November”, said Adam Zuckerman, Bennett’s campaign manager.

BERMAN: So you agree with Katrina Pearson?

House Speaker Paul Ryan’s declaration that he wasn’t ready to support Trump sent shockwaves through the very Republican establishment the NY billionaire is asking for help in transitioning from the primary season into the general-election campaign.

Trump “now has the opportunity and the obligation to unite our party around our goals” of bolstering the economy and national security, McConnell said.

“What I’m concerned about is the degree to which reporting and information starts emphasizing the spectacle and the circus”, Obama said, simultaneously acknowledging the GOP nominee is a spectacle and placing partial blame on the media for creating him. “We need to be encouraging some of our elected officials and some of our politicians and party officials to be willing to let the steam off, and be willing to engage folks at the level where they really are”.

Clinton has also enjoyed a strong relationship with former defence secretary Robert M Gates, a Republican, who described her as “a superb representative of the United States all over the world”. “And I know that at some point there is going to be a conversation between Secretary Clinton and Bernie Sanders about how we move towards the convention”.

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump says Britain is “better off without” the European Union. Barbara Bush, the family matriarch, admitted she was “sick” of Trump in February, adding: “He’s said awful things about women, bad things about the military”.

When asked about backing Trump, Ryan told CNN on Thursday: “I’m not there right now”, although he said he hoped to be eventually.

And after months of bragging about largely self-funding his own campaign – a decision that was praised again and again by his supporters- Trump for the first time acknowledged at a rally that he plans to begin actively soliciting contributions.


Mark Salter, a top adviser to Senator John McCain, this week expressed his support for Clinton on Twitter minutes after Trump clinched his party’s nomination.

Jeb Bush says he won't vote for Trump