
Will anti-Trump Republicans vote Clinton?

Considering that polls showed Cruz had a reasonable chance in IN before the primary, Kasich may not be feeling as optimistic about their allocation plan.


However, moments after Cruz’s concession speech, Dallas Rep. Jason Villalba posted on Twitter that Trump was a “horrible human being” and would be the “death of the Republican Party”. “With so much at stake, Donald Trump is simply too big of a risk”, John Podesta, chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, said. But honestly? I don’t know.

“The people of our country changed me”, he said.

In most USA elections cycles, party insiders quickly coalesce around candidates once they have effectively sewn up the nomination. “He’s a loose cannon”, she said.

That leaves Mr. Trump – a man whose presidency was once the subject of a joke on The Simpsons – as the presumptive Republican Party nominee.

He put retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson on the committee.

And Trump’s extremely strong stance against illegal immigration has turned away at least one voter we spoke with. His win in IN made him the presumptive presidential nominee, averting the possibility of a contested convention when Republicans choose their nominee at their gathering in Cleveland July 18-21.

Trump, a former reality television star who has never held public office, suggested he might make a more conventional choice as his running mate.

“We’re getting passed by, yet again”, he said.

In March, Bryant distanced himself from many of Trump’s controversial positions.

In an interview Wednesday, Priebus acknowledged achieving Republican unity would be hard.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is joined by his wife Melania and daughter Ivanka as he arrives for a primary night news conference Tuesday.

That clears the path for Trump, a nominal Presbyterian who has had difficulty pronouncing a book of the Bible, to be the GOP nominee. Unlike others in the race, he ran a positive campaign, but could not gather enough support to slow down the “Trump Train”.

“I’m not looking for myself, I’m looking out for the party, so the party can compete in Senate races and House races”.

Of course, not all OR conservatives are in Trump’s camp. Kasich had 16 percent.


In a potential general election match-up, however, Clinton led Trump by about 10 percentage points among likely voters. Former Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, once a harsh critic of Trump, said he’d support the billionaire on Wednesday. However, the OH governor refused the offered alliance, and watched Rubio lose Florida to Trump by a landslide. He prevailed despite making outrageous statements along the way that drew biting criticism but fed his anti-establishment appeal.

Trump, the outrageous outsider, now presumptive Republican nominee