
Palin raps Ryan for withholding support for Donald Trump

Ryan first made the comments during a meeting with Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reporters. “If Democrats want to have the strongest candidate against Donald Trump they should look at those polls”, Sanders said. “I could be making a speech for an hour and they never show the extent of the crowd”.


Of the 17 Republicans, including Bush and Graham, in the race for White House, Trump is the only candidate left in the ongoing primary. “I don’t think she’ll mobilize women and minorities and young people the way Obama did and this is really the Republicans election to lose”, she continued.

House Speaker Paul Ryan, who said Thursday he was “not ready” to support Trump, will meet with the likely nominee this week.

Cavuto then asked Markay about the latest news from Ryan, who has offered to step down as the Republican National Convention chair in July, should Trump ask. “And I want to, but I think what is required is that we unify this party”. Trump said. “There’s no reason to give it right now, but I’ll be very quick with the answer”.

Trump and Ryan plan to meet in Washington on Thursday. While some Republicans in Congress are rejecting Mr Trump, other current and former lawmakers have said they will back the reality television star as the nominee.

Mr Donald Trump had always described his run for the United States presidency as unique. It was unbelievable. And I never thought a thing like this.

“This is not just a fight for the heart and soul of the Republican Party; it is a battle for the future of our country”, Conservatives Against Trump said in a statement.

“Although he wasn’t my favorite candidate, I think he will moderate a lot of his views”.

Trump has split with Ryan on many issues, including trade, immigration and entitlement reform.

WASHINGTON (AP) – Donald Trump says he’s all for bringing together the Republican Party, but the many GOP officials he’s branded losers and lightweights will have to fall in line because the voters have spoken.

Cuomo and Trump went on to argue over NAFTA, how CNN covers Trump rallies, the G.I. bill and whether Bill Clinton’s infidelity is fair game during the general election, among a variety of other topics. I mean, Mitt Romney was a bad candidate, didn’t understand how to reach the common person.


Vote for one Meanwhile, Republicans in West Virginia and Nebraska vote today in primaries with Mr Trump the only remaining contender for the Republican presidential nomination.

Clinton says approached by Republicans fleeing trump