
Airedale Hospital hit by latest junior doctors strike

And they did so in musical style!


Thousands of junior doctors and their supporters marched on the Department of Health in Whitehall on Tuesday evening to protest against Mr Hunt’s stance, led by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and shadow chancellor John McDonnell.

Junior doctors in England withdrew emergency care for the first time in the almost 70-year history of the country’s National Health Service, in a move that marks a significant escalation in an acrimonious standoff with the United Kingdom government.

Joining the junior doctors on the picket line was supporter Benny Caputo, 77, from Ilford.

“I wish to appeal directly to all junior doctors not to withdraw emergency cover which creates particular risks”, for accident and emergency departments and others, said Hunt, speaking in the House of Commons.

Hundreds of local appointments and operations have been cancelled by hospital chiefs in Huddersfield and Calderdale.

Johann Malawana, chair of the British Medical Association’s junior physicians committee, said it was the “saddest day in NHS history”, and that it was “entirely avoidable” if NHS was willing to negotiate, according to the report.

Hospitals have issued reassurance to patients that wards will be safely staffed and emergencies dealt with as senior doctors and consultants will cover shifts.

‘That is no way for a secretary of state to behave towards one of the most crucial elements of the NHS workforce, ‘ he said.

This morning junior doctors launch their first all-out strike in NHS history over government changes to their contracts.

Foaz Mohamed, 27, who has been working as a junior doctor at Wexham Park Hospital since August, told the Express on the picket line that the decision to strike had been taken with a “heavy heart”.

At the moment, neither side appears likely to back down so further strike action could be taken.

The Royal Liverpool Hospital NHS Trust has advised patients with less serious injuries to attend one of the city’s five walk-in centres.

Hospitals are now hoping less urgent patients will stay away on Wednesday, but they reported they had coped well during Tuesday’s walkout.


The News asked Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, which runs the QA, how many operations and outpatient appointments had been postponed due to the strikes, but it did not respond.

Disruption expected across NHS as first all-out junior doctors strike begins