
The Flash: Extended Trailer And “The Runaway Dinosaur” Clip

At its core, The Flash has always been a show that hasn’t lingered too long on the darkness that is inherent in superhero mythology. Throughout Barry’s time in the speedforce he spoke with four people: Joe West, Iris West, Henry Allen, and his mom Nora Allen (Michelle Harrison.) Each one of them had a lesson to teach Barry. In this case, they’re all playing variations on the same persona, that of the omniscient but (seemingly, at least) benevolent being guiding a hero to his true path. Still, this being cycles through the guises of Barry’s loved ones for a objective, drawing out the emotions Barry associates with each one of them and thereby bringing him closer to his goal.


Barry disintegrated into thin air, leaving his Flash suit behind.

The synopsis of Episode 22 says Wally will help Barry in his fight against the metahumans, but it is not clear how the “kid” would do it. It remains to be seen whether the title of “The Flash” Season 2, Episode 21 (“Invincible”) connects to Barry Allen, Wally West, or another aspect of the show. The director answered three questions I had going into tonight’s episode.

“Barry Gets His Speed Force Back on “The Flash” is categorized as “life and leisure”.

What happened to Barry? The whole STAR team retreats into the Breach Room and decide to try and get Barry back as Girder pounds on the door.

And while Barry is stuck in a when and where of the Speed Force’s own creation (a simulacrum of places he knows with people from his own life to make the reality of his situation more palatable), those back on Earth-1 are doing their best to bring Barry home while also contending with the reanimated corpse of Girder.

It’s a bold but smart story move for a lot of reasons. The previously alive metahuman Tony Woodward, aka Girder (basically little Collosus, and who died in episode 7), is back and he’s even grumpier than before. The cryptic communication continues, like The Architect in The Matrix, and the Speed Force tells Barry he got his powers because he’s The Flash.

Before dealing with that metal man, however, there’s the much more pressing matter of Barry’s predicament. Barry’s incredulous at the idea – how could anyone be at peace with not saving their mother’s life when given the opportunity?

The other woman that factors in here is, of course, Iris.

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Iris: “Dad, do you really think he’s a meta-human?” Are Barry and Iris together? Some of us may have preferred the Barry and Patty relationship, but when she isn’t vacillating about whether she should date her boss or mooning over Barry from a distance Iris is a real source of strength to Barry and the S.T.A.R. Labs team. But Barry finally accepting the death and letting it go takes a weight off his shoulders.


Barry’s failure to stop Zoom led him to agree to Wells’ (Tom Cavanagh) plan to create another particle accelerator explosion against the wishes of his father Henry (John Wesley Shipp). There was a very B-movie horror vibe to the initial scene were Girder attacked Iris and Cisco in the morgue. Then, it goes off and we will see the TV series The Flash in season 3. “Runaway Dinosaur” gives her the chance to shine again and she runs with it – literally. While Wally wakes up right away following the accelerator blast and seems to have suffered no speed-related effects (RIP Joe’s coffee cup), Jesse is a coma. This is going to cause a lot of speculation over whether only Jesse got speedster powers, if both of them did or if neither of them did. I’ve seen the internet.

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