
Nintendo’s Next Two Mobile Games to Adopt Free-to-Play Model

Nintendo’s entry into mobile apps, Miitomo, already works on the free-to-play model, where the app itself costs no money, but optional in-app purchases may be made using real currency. Naturally, the company’s collaboration with Nintendo was brought up and as a result we finally have a little bit of information on the next titles to come out of the partnership; Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem.


According to a new report from The Wall Street Journal, Nintendo’s next two smartphone games will both be free-to-play.


Nintendo’s mobile developer DeNA have previously stated that their first games will “rely on revenue from in-app microtransactions” so this is not altogether unexpected especially consider their first release, Miitomo, was free to play. Nintendo says by playing both Animal Crossing games “users will find increased enjoyment”. A Nintendo spokeswoman confirmed Mr. Moriyasu’s comment. The question is, does the free-to-start model mean that there will be micro-transactions for minor cosmetic items or will we eventually be paying higher prices to unlock the game in full? It has also been reported by Moriyasu that the games will also be “free-to-start”. The new games are expected to be released later this year in the fall, and Nintendo has said it will create four more mobile titles by the end of 2017.

Nintendo's mobile versions of Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem will be free.               Nintendo