
Unison union backs Corbyn for Labour Party leader

The next Labour leader faces the important task of building bridges with the Jewish community.


“His politics have been consistent”.

Corbyn himself never anticipated that he could win. Why is that acceptable for the Labour party and why party members of all sorts think that is acceptable to the electorate I have no idea.’.

Standing on the podium, he is an Eddie the Eagle of social justice; launching himself headlong into the Labour leadership race – not necessarily to win – but to promote and protect the values he holds dear.

Speaking at a central-London rally for Corbyn yesterday, Unison official Andrew Berry said the Conservative government was launching an “ideological attack on the poor” as well as a “brutal attack on the right to strike”.

Who’d have thought that newspapers run by billionaires – people who no doubt would be personally affected by taxes on the very rich – would object to changes that mean the rich don’t get richer at the expense of the poor? They didn’t back Ed Miliband’s mildly leftist manifesto and will hardly be convinced by an even more leftist programme.

This is a message that will go unheeded by the party leadership. And around 15,000 are registered to vote in the leadership contest. This allows the measure to pass based on a policy decision by acting party head Harriet Harman.

Ladbrokes said that Corbyn was the “clear favourite” with 6/4 to odds, compared to 13/8 for Burnham.

She is one of 27 defeated candidates to have signed an open letter backing Mr Corbyn’s candidacy.

“But what this poll suggests is that she (Ms Cooper) – not Andy Burnham – might be the person who can stop Mr Corbyn”.

IN May, the Scottish Labour Party were nearly wiped out at the general election.

“Party members do not seem to count and their opinions are not valued by the Blairites and the Right of the party, especially those careerists who are frightened of Jeremy Corbyn”.

Jeremy Corbyn has pledged to join forces with EU allies to create a “better Europe”, making it clear he has no plans to abandon Britain’s membership of the union.

Much of the pseudo-left have indeed rallied to Corbyn’s side. Trade unionists who were once sent ballots automatically now have to opt in.

The poll also pushes Andy Burnham into third place, leaving only Yvette Cooper with any prospect of dethroning Mr Corbyn once second preference votes have been counted. Faced with the possibility that it may be required to adopt an oppositional pose, it has gone into meltdown.

“It seems plausible to them that they just need to have a very firm anti-austerity argument” to counter Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron’s program of spending cuts, Fielding said. Now the candidates have learned to ignore or underestimate Corbyn at their peril.

Labour leadership contender Yvette Cooper said the party could only change things “if we win”


Mr Prentis added “today’s decision is a recommendation and our members are of course free to cast their vote as to who they think should lead the Labour Party“.


One of the most interesting interventions last week was that of the Chief Economist at the Bank of England – the fount of economic orthodoxy – who bemoaned the British model of the Firm, which is all about short-term profits rather than taking the long view. “I would suck it and see”.

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