
American Nightmare? New Poll Has Trump and Clinton Neck and Neck

Trump himself shrugged off the need for unity heading into the November general election and a likely match-up against Democrat Hillary Clinton, even though that would be the goal in any normal election year after a candidate effectively clinches the nomination, as Trump did last week. John McCain, did come around however, saying, “You have to listen to people that have chosen the nominee of our Republican Party”. “The goal here is to unify the various wings of the party around common principles, so that we can go forward to unify it”.


Ryan stressed that he barely knows the billionaire businessman, telling Milam, “I assume that’s what Donald wants as well”. He is also planning a trip to Washington on Thursday to meet party leaders, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, who have had a mixed reaction to his primary success. He will be looking for more than just a photo op.

“I think it’s a combination of they don’t like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and that while they don’t necessarily approve of Donald Trump, they agree with his frank remarks”. “If we make a deal, that will be great”, he added later. His two remaining Republican rivals suddenly dropped out of the race last week, anointing him the party’s presumptive presidential nominee. But it’s still a delicate tightrope walk for Georgia Republicans anxious that Trump could do lasting damage to the fractured GOP.

But Trump still does not have some senior Republicans on board for his own campaign after primary election battles in which he promised to build a wall on the Mexican border to halt illegal immigration, and temporarily ban Muslims from entering the United States.

Major party presidential nominees may elect to receive a lump sum of roughly $94 million to pay for a general-election campaign.

This suggested there might not be instant results from his get-together Thursday with Trump and Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus.

Then you have prominent Republicans like former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who once called Trump a “cancer on conservatism” and said his views were a “toxic mix of demagoguery and nonsense”. “This is not conservatism”, he warned.

Trump has said in the past that he doesn’t want to touch Social Security or Medicare, whereas Medicare cuts have been a centerpiece of GOP budgets Ryan has shepherded over the years. Yet while the Democratic establishment may be tempted to wage a campaign of “triangulation”-the centrist strategy that Bill Clinton made famous in the ’90s-moving to the center now would be a lousy idea”.

The majority of voters agreed Trump would do a better job handling the economy and terrorism, and said he would be a stronger leader, while they said that Clinton was more intelligent, had a better temperament, and had slightly higher moral standards.


“This looks to me like one of those political dances that ends up OK in the end”. “I will support the Republican ticket and I’m endorsing me for my Senate seat”.

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