
Foreign Office urges Israel to end settlement building

A house fire in the occupied West Bank suspected to have been set by Jewish extremists killed an 18-month-old Palestinian child, injured a four-year-old brother and both parents on Friday, Israeli security officials said.


The meeting will tackle “recent Israeli escalation in Jerusalem -particularly in Al-Aqsa mosque, Israel’s continuous settlement policies, arrests, assassinations, siege, displacement, and ethnic cleansing”, Erekat said.

“Israeli aggression against Muslim worshipers and the infringements that occurred in the sacred mosque… provoke Muslims and constitute severe violations of basic human rights”, the council declared in a statement cited by Anadolu Agency.

The following day, Nickolay Mladenov, the UN’s top Middle East envoy, condemned the Jewish settlers’ provocative actions at the holy site.

Storming the mosque, the Israeli police fired sound bombs and rubber bullets, leaving dozens of Palestinians injured.

Arab League foreign ministers will meet in Cairo early next month to discuss clashes involving Israeli police at the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem, a senior Palestinian official said Monday. Many of them also suffered from suffocation due to teargas inhalation.

On Sunday, roughly 140 settlers, accompanied by about 40 Israeli security personnel, forced their way into the iconic mosque compound, triggering clashes with Palestinian Muslim worshipers.

Family members of the dead man have rejected the Israeli account of his death, saying he was “executed” by Israeli forces, Ma’an news, a Palestinian media outlet, reported.


In the same context, B’Tsalem revealed that since the annexation of East Jerusalem in 1967, Israeli authorities have promoted the two-fold goal of expanding the city’s Jewish population and reducing its Palestinian population. It later annexed the city in 1980, claiming it as the capital of the self-proclaimed Jewish state in a move never recognized by the worldwide community.

Germany criticizes Israel's new settlement plans