
Green Bay faculty plans no confidence vote in UW System leaders

Staff at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee may join faculty at other state universities in approving a “no confidence” resolution against the Board of Regents and UW System president Ray Cross.


Several system professors told the Times that Cross’s email seemed to confirmed their suspicions about his position on tenure.

That vote concluded just around 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday.

Still, Miller said, he could not support the action and urged faculty to work with administrators on addressing the university system’s challenges.

Cross wrote in his email that tenure “is created to protect freedom of speech and the right to pursue truth – no matter how unpopular – and then to publish that information without worrying about being dismissed for doing so”.

UWM Chancellor Mark Mone echoed the concerns of UW-Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank that a no confidence vote could have a chilling effect on working relationships with UW System leaders and lawmakers.

Faculty members are concerned that budget cuts will dictate academic programs and that they could potentially lose their jobs if an academic program is discontinued.

They also mentioned the budget cuts which according to our Joceylne Pruna, UW-M said was brought on by a 12 percent reduction in revenue from 2015 to 2016. “The university should not be about protecting the interests of the faculty, but about delivering value and excellence to Wisconsin”.

Cross says tenure should not protect professors who are no longer needed in their discipline.

President Ray Cross sent an email to John Behling, the regent who led the process to write new tenure policies that were widely criticized by professors.

Walker added in the statement that the votes of no confidence are nothing more than faculty attempting to cling to outdated provisions, at the expense of taxpayers and students.

Wrasse asked members of UW-Eau Claire’s Faculty Senate to “have the humility to consider another viewpoint” and “step back from the precipice of this stereotypically ill-informed, pointless motion”.


Faculty at the UW-Eau Claire campus declined Tuesday to take a vote on a similar resolution.

Entrance to the University of Wisconsin Green Bay campus