
Schools Receive Transgender Bathroom Guidelines from White House

North central OH school officials are already hearing from some parents on federal guidance issued Friday, requiring public schools to permit transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with the gender identity they have chosen.


So, it’s discrimination to tell the three-tenths of one percent (by the most liberal estimation) of students who “identify” as “transgender” to use an “individual-user” facility because that would single that student out. “That work continues, as we install privacy stalls in all middle and high school locker rooms as well as gender neutral restrooms on several of our campuses”.

“We have been supporting students on this topic for quite a few years and it’s going well in our district”, she said.

Lexington 1 said in a statement, “Our district follows the law as we understand it, and we will take the time we need to carefully study the information we received today”.

Other state Republican leaders joined him in denouncing the policy issued by the U.S. Department of Education.

Frataccia said educators will be studying the guidelines pretty carefully to stay in compliance as it can cost districts federal funding.

The bathroom policy is also another example of Washington inserting itself into local affairs, some Republicans say.

The Obama administration weighed in Friday on which bathrooms transgender people are allowed to use – a heated debate that has stretched from MS to North Carolina to Minnesota.

The law applies to schools and many other places.

While supporters say the measure is needed to protect women and children from sexual predators, the Justice Department and others argue the threat is practically nonexistent and the law discriminatory.

In California, school districts have been required to let students use bathrooms that match their gender identity since Gov. Jerry Brown signed AB 1266 into law in 2013.

One difference between the two, the federal guidelines call from parental consent in the case of underage students declaring a gender, while the state’s policy does not. The Botetourt County Public Schools superintendent told us this directive is too new to know all the details and impact.

“Then he kind of realized, ‘Well of course you would use the men’s room and there was no problem”, he said.

“A dispute about the intent of the federal law must ultimately be resolved by the courts and the Congress”, the group said. “Education is a civil right and no child can learn unless he or she feels safe”. North Carolina responded by suing the Justice Department in federal court.

A Friday morning email addressed as “Dear Colleagues” from the U.S. Department of Education answers the question: How can schools make sure transgender students enjoy a discrimination free environment. PSD was criticized in 2011 after suspending a transgender student for using the girl’s restroom at Fort Collins High School instead of a staff facility.

The directive is in formal guidance being sent to school districts Friday by the departments of Education and Justice.

The Ohio School Board Association weighed in, helping Troy school officials to craft a policy for transgender students.

Francisco Negron, chief attorney for the organization, said there is a “disconnect” between what is happening in various states and what the federal government is demanding, “and school districts are caught in the middle”. “People don’t realize that these kids in schools weren’t having any bathroom issues before”, she said.

A recent CNN/ORC survey found that most Americans oppose laws like those in North Carolina and Mississippi.


Typically, school districts resolve transgender bathroom issues confidentially and without lawsuits, Baskin said.

Courtesy CBS46