
Bill Clinton to visit Billings

While on the campaign trail for his wife, former President Bill Clinton asked supporters to drag their friends to polls on Election Day at all costs to vote for Hillary Clinton. President Clinton will attend public events in Sioux Falls, SD, Fargo, ND, and Billings, MT.


The Clinton campaign is gearing up for the New Jersey primary, which is Tuesday, June 7.

In 2008, Bill Clinton campaigned for Hillary Clinton in Billings, where he spoke at the Yellowstone County Democratic Party’s Truman Dinner.

Hillary Clintonmoved to Arkansas42 years ago to live with to be with her then boyfriend and then left the state 23 years earlier to live in the White House with her husband, Bill Clinton.

Hillary Clinton’s competitor for the Democratic nomination, Vermont. Sen.


Hillary Clinton now has 1,716 pledged delegates, but has a commanding lead over Sanders in super delegates, with 524 to his 40. Bernie Sanders in the May 17 Kentucky primary.

Clinton presumptuous nominee