
Sanders Sweeps Clinton in Washington Caucus, Wins 74 of 101 Delegates

Seven delegates pledged to vote for Hillary Clinton as the party’s presidential nominee, while four pledged to vote for Bernie Sanders. The nominee ultimately needs to win 2,383 delegates to lock up the nomination.


Sanders has amassed some 9 million votes during the nation’s primaries and caucuses, and has said even if he fails at getting the final nomination, he wants to shape the party’s agenda on issues like wealth disparity, financial reform and the role of big money in politics. After the additional 67 delegates who could not be allocated until voting data was properly analyzed and broken down by the congressional district were finally tallied, Sanders ended up with an additional 49 for a total of 74 delegates, leaving Clinton with only 27.

In Portland, Carlos Maibeth-Mortimer of Brooklin said he hopes Mr. Sanders keeps running until the national convention.

A Monmouth University poll released this week shows Clinton has a almost 2-to-1 lead in New Jersey’s June 7 primary. “Then, after that, certainly Secretary Clinton and I can talk and see where we go from there”.

Needed to win: 2,383 delegates. Bert Marley, the state chairman of the Idaho Democratic Party, said that he briefly met Sanders when he attended a March campaign rally the senator held in Idaho Falls ahead of the state’s caucus.

Sanders will speak at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City on Monday.

Organizer Troy Jackson says they’re supposed to get 17 of the party’s 25 elected national convention delegates.

If she can instead pull out solid victories this month in West Virginia, Kentucky and OR — and get some additional endorsements from superdelegates — Clinton could end up celebrating as a presumptive nominee in a place in need of some financial attention: Puerto Rico on June 5. Most of those are in California, the most populous US state, with 546 delegates, and New Jersey, which has 142.

There was no mention of Bernie Sanders, the Vermont senator who is Clinton’s rival for the Democratic nomination. He has also criticized states that do not allow independents to participate in Democratic contests or states that do not allow same-day registration. “I think that’s absolutely wrong”, said Payne.

“I understand Secretary Clinton thinks this campaign is over”.


Hillary Clinton finished her swing through California on Friday with a rally, a visit to her Oakland field office and a series of fundraisers – a triple-barreled approach to campaigning in the Bay Area.

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