
Iran: US statements on attacking Tehran violates nuke deal

“I’m going to go home and make up my mind”, said Lipinski, who added that AIPAC was making robocalls with a message to vote against the deal. But a return to the negotiating table would provide the Islamist regime with a wake-up call because it would force them to realize that a pushover president isn’t calling all the shots and able to ram through an agreement based on appeasement, rather than a defense of U.S. interests.


“As big of a bully pulpit as I have, it’s not enough”, the president told his supporters.

“Last month the House unanimously called for the release of the U.S. citizens held in Iran, as well as information on any Americans who have disappeared”.

Congress is now reviewing the deal that the United States and other world powers negotiated with Iran to limit its nuclear capabilities in exchange for a relief of sanctions.

“Through this process, I have judged the agreement on its merits while asking what other alternatives are available to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon”.

The $20-million figure apparently refers to Citizens for a Nuclear Free Iran, a group affiliated with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee that has raised at least that much for advertisements to persuade members of Congress to kill the deal.

The celebrities go on to describe the deal as “strong” and the best way to keep Iran from a bomb and to avoid war. The Obama administration is lobbying Democrats heavily to sustain a presidential veto, since Republicans are expected to pass a resolution of disapproval. His support was critical because Iran has threatened to destroy Israel.

Nadler met one-on-one with the president before the entire House Democratic caucus heard a 20-minute presentation by Obama on the details of the deal.

Amir wrote Obama in December to say he was “deeply concerned that my future has become tied to the nuclear negotiations with Iran, with which I have no connection, influence or leverage”.

Obama has aggressively courted Democrats, holding sessions at the White House and sending Cabinet members to Capitol Hill for briefings and hearings.

Every argument that’s been made against the deal is either “inaccurate” or assumes the United States could have gotten a better deal by persuading Iran to forgo even peaceful development of nuclear power, he said. She says this deal could signal a larger shift and opening of cultural relations.


This anti-Americanism was on display once again on Thursday when the Associated Press reported that Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said American and Canadian inspectors in the worldwide Atomic Energy Agency would not be allowed onto Iranian soil to verify Iran’s compliance with the agreement or to help complete the probe of the past military dimensions of the Iranian nuclear program. Rep. Sander Levin, D-Mich., announced this week that he’d support the deal. Sen.

Wall Street Journal on States and Iran