
New ‘Game of Thrones’ Theory: Bran Stark Behind Robert’s Rebellion?

Game of Thrones Season 6 airs every Sunday night on HBO. If you want the show to be a surprise, this isn’t the story for you.


Photos: The Most BRILLIANT Game Of Thrones Fan Theories!

The “good news/bad news” events from the episode were, first off, Arya getting her sight back… although she is still insisting she is “a girl with no name”. That moment had to do with Ned Stark, Bran and a distraught Lyanna stuck in the Tower of Joy. But we’ll have to see if that happens, and if he’ll run into Sansa Stark, Brienne, and Pod along the way. Frustratingly, the Three-Eyed Raven blocked Bran from following his father into the tower but, if the still-unconfirmed R+L=J theory is to be believed, we already know who’s inside. Remember how Ned Stark’s little sister Lyanna (above) was supposed to marry Robert Baratheon, only for her to be stolen away by none other than Rhaegar Targaryen – thus beginning the rebellion that put Robert on the throne in the first place? The Three-Eyed Raven tells Bran it’s time to leave, but Bran wants to stay and he calls out to his father. R+L=J, by the way, is the belief that Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark are the real parents of Jon Snow, and that he was born in that very tower. This episode, we get closer and closer to the secret origin of Jon Snow with Ned (Robert Aramayo, who looks uncannily like Sean Bean), Howland Reed (Leo Woodruff), and the others squaring off against two of Rhaegar Targaryen’s Kingsguard, Arthur Dayne (Luke Roberts) and Oswell Whent (Eddie Eyre). So if youve ever heard mention of the L+R=J theory, thats what is being discussed. Although it was cut short, Ned Stark is expected to find Lyana Stark dying in childbirth and orphaning Jon Snow to his care. Theres also a dream featuring a bed of blood, which is widely considered to be a reference to child birth.

But Isaac Hempstead Wright, who plays the young time-traveling Stark, just dropped a few hints of what’s the come for Bran’s visions.

At this point, all fans really know is that Lyanna died in the tower and before that was abducted, but the how is what makes the difference and is one of the many mysteries that shape the show.

All of which, it seems, is about to be finally be revealed in Game of Thrones…just as soon as Bran gets the chance to hang around long enough to see it, or someone in the know tells Jon Snow.

According to the ‘Game of Thrones’ fan theory posted on Reddit, this is where it went south pretty quickly. I wrestled with that issue and I came to the conclusion that changing it would be a disaster, because the clues were there.


[Image via HBO]In Meereen, Game of Thrones viewers will see that Tyrion is starting to feel the noose tighten as Daenerys still hasn’t returned. Dany is taken to Vaes Dothrak where, once again, she’s the victim of circumstances rather than the person in control of them, stripped of rank and title with her fate in the hands of the assembled Dothraki horde.

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