
Donald Trump Says His Tax Returns Are Nobody’s ‘Business’

“He is bringing new voters to the Republican Party by the millions and that’s very impressive”.


“This is all a reminder of how circumstantial Clinton’s position as tribune of the white working class was during her first presidential campaign”. And on others, from taxes to social security, he sounds an bad lot like a Democrat.

With the IRS and the Tax Court both in the executive branch, Forbes magazine wonders: What happens if Trump is audited while he is president?

Clinton began calling this week on Trump to do the same.

The policy education for Trump and his team appears to be underway. He rails against environmental and corporate regulations, proposes dramatically lower tax rates and holds firm on opposing abortion rights. And on Tuesday night, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee seemed to close the door for good on the matter.

“Some of the rhetoric that has come out from Trump and others, when you’re looking at it empirically you have to look past the noise”, he said.

McDemott added: “I wish someone would put a timer on his mouth” so he “would take five seconds to think before he speaks”.

Cruz said in February, when he was still in the race, that he was “not willing to gamble my daughters’ futures with Donald Trump”.

Donald Trump maintains he’ll release his tax returns eventually – but until then? He was also seeing three other women, said the “spokesman”, including model Carla Bruni.

“I really don’t, and I’ll tell you why”, he said. “But you can’t have free trade if the deals are going to be bad. So I think the traditional playbook and analysis really don’t apply”, he told Fox News Sunday.

On Thursday, Trump visited Capitol Hill, where he met with Ryan, Republican congressional leaders and Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus in what was hailed as an important step toward piecing the party back together.

Sasse has also ruled out a bid, but some Republicans reportedly believe he is still somewhat open to the prospect.

As for disclosing returns during an audit, the IRS said in February: “Nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information”.

Pressure is mounting on Bernie Sanders to end his campaign for president. He left the House in 1999 and later ran for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, losing to Mitt Romney. But this could make for some awkward conversations between Trump’s fundraisers and deep-pocketed GOP donors. He also has taken recently to saying that all of his plans are merely suggestions, open to later negotiation.

The proposals would have reduced the top marginal tax rate from 39.6 to 25 percent for couples with annual income above $300,000, which would have meant big cuts for high-income people.

Trump described it as a massive boon for the middle class. Outside experts concluded it disproportionately benefited the rich and would balloon the federal deficit. This is always to be expected of general election candidates once they’ve clinched the nomination, but Trump’s shifts are special because the original stances were so far outside the norm of politics as usual-often for ill.

“Donald Trump says it’s not him, I believe it’s not him”, Manafort said.


Of course, there is the possibility that there is absolutely nothing wrong with Trump’s taxes, and he is just withholding them to get media attention…
