
Iraq’s Kurdistan laments caught in middle of Turkey-PKK fight

Today in a gun attack, two Turkish police were killed in an attack on police headquarters in the southern region of Adana and the Kurshid insurgents has been blamed for an attack but they have not claimed the responsibility of the attack.


Violence has flared in Turkey in the past week, shattering a fragile peace process launched in 2012 with the Kurds.

Anadolu Agency said PKK militants opened fire on the tea house from a speeding vehicle in Diyarbakir city late Wednesday, injuring the two who later died in hospital.

While defending Turkey publicly, the U.S. has been urging Turkey to be “judicious” in its retaliation against the PKK, senior U.S. officials said. “These operations will continue until all arms are laid down and armed (fighters) leave the country, and until (IS) stops being a threat”.

Turkey’s military and police have been hit by a number of attacks over the past week following the Daesh-linked suicide bombing in Suruc, Sanliurfa province that killed 32 people on July 20. “Fingers must be removed from the trigger”.

Turkish warplanes have been launched a string of air raids on PKK sites in the Qandil Mountains in Iraqi Kurdistan since Friday.

A Turkish Foreign Ministry statement expressed “disappointment” toward Iraq’s “negative” stance, which it said, came despite Turkey’s support to Baghdad in its fight against IS.

Demirtas, a charismatic former human rights lawyer, led the HDP into a parliamentary election in June at which it seized enough seats to deprive the AK Party, founded by Erdogan, of a working majority for the first time in more than a decade. It also accused Iraq of failing to keep to a pledge to prevent PKK attacks on Turkey from its territory.


From left: Main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) Leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu, Speaker of Parliament Ismet Yilmaz, Turkey’s Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, the father of killed member of security forces Hamza Yildirim and Chief of Staff General Necdet Ozel pray in front of Yildirim’s flag-draped coffin during his funeral ceremony at Kocatepe Mosque in Ankara, yesterday.

Head of Turkey's HDP calls for end to hostilities, demands 'common sense'