
Long TSA line strands 450 fliers overnight as woes expand

U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) says he has the answer to the long security lines at the three major New York City airports – and maybe the rest of the country.


“TSA needs to clean house from the top down, and floor-level agents should be focusing more attention on passengers and less attention on objects”, said Harrington.

The problem is afflicting both Chicago airports.

Jennifer Warrilow soothes tension of fliers in long lines with violin music.

Atlanta’s South Checkpoint re-opens on May 24, “and that should greatly improve the wait times”, McCranie told CNN. “We just try to endure”.

The story has been building for months, with airports and airlines increasingly sounding the alarm about the headaches awaiting travelers trying to make their flights.

– The nation’s homeland security chief is asking fliers to “be patient” amid extremely long airport security lines.

The TSA is also asking the airlines to help with reducing the size and number of passenger carry-on bags and with “nonsecurity” work such as moving bins.

This weekend people who were flying out of O’Hare and Midway say lines were out of control, hundreds of people deep. “Shamefully, it has even diverted some of the money passengers pay in security fees, shifting those funds from TSA to pay down the federal budget deficit”, Cox said.

As a result, American has hired workers to remind travelers at security checkpoints to take off their shoes, unpack their laptops and remove liquids from their luggage and to monitor the availability of security bins for personal items, Scott said.


The TSA is also pushing frequent flyers to enroll in their PreCheck program. The end of the very long line.

TRAVEL ADVISORY TSA Says Arrive at O'Hare 3 Hours Before Your Flight