
Citizen-scientists: Uncle Sam wants you to fight Zika

– Fulton County began spraying to control mosquito growth and prevent the mosquito-borne Zika virus from taking hold in metro Atlanta.


The Zika tests approved by CDC checks for antibodies to the virus in a blood sample, and can detect the virus four to five days after an infection and up to 12 weeks afterward.

Gimenez said that if and when there is a locally transmitted case by mosquito bite confirmed in Miami-Dade, the county and the Florida Department of Health will work together to step up public awareness and education efforts, such as the “Drain and Cover” campaign launched in February after Gov. Rick Scott declared a public health emergency for Zika.

Zika is spread by an infected mosquito or after sexual intercourse with an infected person.

There have been no reported cases of the Zika virus being spread by mosquitoes in the county, and health officials here are uncertain whether the Asian tiger mosquitoes in Rockland will be infected with the disease this summer. UTMB said it is the first in the world to develop the clone, which could help scientists develop a vaccine faster.

“We will be placing special traps created to capture this mosquito at sites throughout Rockland, alongside the mosquito traps we have used for years to track the West Nile virus“, Day said.

Pei-Yong Shi, PhD, study coauthor and professor in the department of biochemistry and molecular biology at UTMB, said in a press release from the school that the study is an example of collaboration between many teams on the UTMB campus.

The man was sick 2 weeks before the woman became ill, and the woman had not visited a Zika-affected country since the middle of January.

“There are isolated cases and case reports of patients who have meningitis or meningoencephalitis, where the virus can actually infect the brain”, England said. As of April 28, 2016, 20, 980 suspected cases have been reported, an increase of 1, 600 in just over a week.

Dr. Allison says the only reason for concern would be if you show symptoms of illness after traveling down south. In that case, he recommends visiting your local health authority and following their treatment. Zika outbreaks have probably occurred in many locations. Many people won’t even know they’re infected, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

More than $85 milion in federal funding will be made available to help states combat the spread of the Zika virus.

“We have been getting a lot of pregnant women calling and they’re scared”, Mosquito Authority pest control company owner Peter Freeman said. Catherine Baade, assistant public health specialist, dipped a small cup into the bin, which revealed many mosquito larva in various stages of development in the water.


House Republicans on Monday unveiled their Zika proposal, which would slice Obama’s request to $622 million and pair it with offsetting spending cuts to unspent Ebola funding and leftover money at the Department of Health and Human Services.

Protect yourself in order to protect your future baby