
‘NCIS’ CBS Season 13 Finale

There may be a very small chance that Cote would surprise the fans because Tony posted on Twitter a very suspicious sign on the NCIS set.


The actor is leaving the show after 13 seasons, and with more than 300 episodes under his belt.

The end of “NCIS” Season 13 isn’t just the beginning of summer hiatus.

Fans are also waiting for his character, Agent Tony DiNozzo, to be reunited with Cote de Pablo’s Ziva David.

In NCIS 13×24, Tony DiNozzo must make sure that Ziva is alive after Trent Kort (David Dayan Fisher) burned her father’s farm house in Tel Aviv, Israel. While the alphabet soup agencies have been chasing a wrongly accused British spook for the last three episodes, the real culprit was hiding closer to home.

“We had a connection, and obviously a very fond farewell”, Tony says of Ziva in a rare moment of vulnerability with his colleague Timothy McGee (Sean Murray). It’s the end of Tony DiNozzo’s time on the team.

There are many significant DiNozzo episodes, with Tuesday’s Tony goodbye, “Family First” (Episode 306), soon to join the list. Sarah Clarke guest stars as FBI Special Agent Tess Monroe and Duane Henry guest stars as MI6 Officer Clayton Reeves.

DiNozzo had hug fests with McGee and agent Ellie Bishop (Emily Wickersham), and Harmon’s Gibbs, of course, before heading home to the little girl he never knew. Fans can watch the finale online via live stream.

“Baltimore” (Season 8; Episode 184): Viewers learned about Tony’s past in an episode that flashed back to the character in his pre-NCIS days as a Baltimore detective.

Suddenly, Weatherly’s hints last week that his final NCIS episode would seem “Shakespearean” made some sense.

Michael Weatherly has left the world of NCIS behind, but he is willing to return if needed.

In an interview with Variety, Weatherly said this episode was “well-executed on every level”.

Scott had since explained to Gibbs that he was only looking for Ziva as she holds files that can prove his innocence. This is a landmark Tiva special because Ziva’s distrust of Tony led to the events in this episode. Read on if you want to learn more about this story.

DiNozzo’s worry about Ziva is so overwhelming that he declares, “I can’t stay here”.


As we reported earlier, Weatherly feels that the reaction of his character’s exit will be overwhelmingly positive.

NCIS: Michael Weatherly Is Willing to Return; Talks Finale