
Watch the Moment Megyn Kelly Confronts Trump Over ‘Bimbo’ Tweets

Trump took offense when Kelly confronted him in the first primary debate about crude remarks he’d made about women.


The Donald Trump-Megyn Kelly truce held on Tuesday night, when the candidate appeared on the Fox special Megyn Kelly Presents and managed to avoid insulting the host.

“Well, that was a retweet – did I say that?”

When she met with Trump for the interview, Kelly said he was very gracious and welcoming.

Noting that Kelly was the one who called him to set up the olive branch meeting, Trump said, “I have great respect for you that you were able to call me and say, ‘Let’s get together, let’s talk'”. People are going wild on twitter!

“Can happen when you’re 45”, said Kelly, referencing her own age.

Trump: No, I’m not walking it back.

The interview showed Trump and Kelly interacting cordially and without any antagonism.

He then said to Kelly, “Over your life, Megyn, you have been called a lot worse, wouldn’t you say?”

“So I’m saying to myself, ‘Man, what a question, ‘” Trump continued.

Kelly said the feud caused a “dark year” for her, but said being “tested’ brought her and her husband closer”. “You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals, ‘” Kelly asked at the time.

There are, she said, “uncomfortable” moments, but overall the tone is “cordial”.

“I don’t really blame you because you are doing your thing”, he said.

In the end, the interview broadcast on Tuesday night was essentially underwhelming; Ms Kelly pushed firmly but politely at Mr Trump, but the NY tycoon gave little away.

“If I were soft, if I were “presidential”…If I had not fought back the way I fought back, I don’t think I would have been successful”. In January, Trump manually retweeted a message calling Kelly “bimbo.”

“That was a retweet, yeah”, he conceded, adding “Did I say that?” “I could have done things differently, I could have maybe used different language in a couple of instances”. Trump defended himself by saying the debate was his first one ever, and that the question was the first “I’ve ever been asked”.

Kelly also addressed her upcoming contract renegotiation and whether she will choose to stay at FOX News.

Kelly went ahead and labeled the tweet about Cruz’s wife a mistake, then listed two of Trump’s other comments that might be similarly labeled: Mocking Sen.


“You seemed to stay angry for months”, Kelly replied.

New York City and Megyn Kelly on Jan. 28 2016 in Des Moines Iowa