
Who Won ‘Survivor’ 2016 Tonight?

Michele, who started off the season in the Beauty tribe, beat out runner-ups Aubrey Bracco and Tai Trang to win the $1 million prize and be named the season’s Sole Survivor. Take a moment to let that decipher, because it shocked me a bit to say the least. First, she won immunity and then she won the privilege of casting off one of the jury members.


To me as a viewer, Aubry was the clear person to vote for, so seeing a jury go so far away from that answer is always an interesting exercise in what the viewer sees versus what the people playing the game see, and what I value in the game versus what people playing the game value. Aubry get that brain of yours cooking so that you can switch the tables in your favor. Aubry got the fire built and rope burnt, so she stayed and Cydney was eliminated!

Tribal Council was indeed one fun mess, where Aubry used persuasion and idle threats of how the jury might determine the victor in ways that may not be as visible to the others.

Even Michele could pull out a surprise win.

The final tribal council consisted of the usual jury questions, and things got pretty heated.

Aubry has a few potentials, which I don’t think Michele and Tai have considered. While Michele had no big moves to hang her proverbial hat on, she made no enemies and won the last two challenges, which gave her the resume she lacked, and gave jurors a reason to vote for the person as a group they simply liked the most.

Survivor returns for season 33 this fall on CBS.

For tonight, we saw Michele win the final Immunity Challenge and it was a tie vote at Tribal Council, so Cydney and Aubry had to build fire! The jury was stunned by the reveal that one of them would be booted and not in attendance when the vote kicked off. Michele decided that it was Neal who was sent packing and he had some insane words for Michelle that I didn’t expect. Michele was instructed to show intelligence, Tai was told to display awareness, and Aubry was commanded to show confidence. We then saw Tai, Aubry and Michele state their case to the jury and it came down to their votes!


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039;Survivor Milennials vs. Gen X&#039 Revealed