
Nevada governor and attorney general differ on transgender bathroom directive

Cherokee County, Jacoby continued, “has successfully accommodated transgender students by developing a plan with the student, parents and school administration that maintains privacy and respect for each individual student”.


Messer introduced the PUBLIC School Act, which gives state and local governments the power to “enact and enforce policies regarding the use of sex-segregated bathrooms and sex-segregated locker rooms of educational institutions on the basis of gender identity”.

On Friday the U.S. Department of Education and U.S. Department Justice sent out letters to public school districts across the country.

“After carefully considering the issue, GCPS will continue to provide students with sex-designated restroom facilities, while offering gender-neutral facilities to any student who does not wish to use the restroom facility designated for his or her biological sex”, the district said in a Sunday statement posted to its website.

“He says he’s going to withhold funding if schools do not follow the policy”.

State School Superintendent Richard Woods said he is studying the issue before making recommendations or taking any action. The Department of Justice has given North Carolina a deadline to comply with LGBT-friendly bathroom policies, saying that the state’s law is a violation of federal civil rights laws.

Almost a month after saying it was OK for Caitlyn Jenner to use any bathroom in Trump Tower, presumptive 2016 GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump announced he would rescind the Obama administration’s new policies aimed to protect transgender people. I believe there are safety concerns associated with allowing students of different genders to use the same bathroom.

The governor told reporters late last week that it was too early to say whether Tennessee would join other states in seeking to challenge the directive.

Gov. Nathan Deal on Tuesday called the Obama administration’s letter citing Title IX law to protect transgender students an “abuse of federal executive authority”.

President Barack Obama said on Monday that his administration’s guidance on transgender issues is needed to help schools grapple with the sensitive topic and ensure that all children are treated fairly.


Joint Unified School District Superintendent Chris Williams, said they have been under California state law since 2014, requiring schools make access available for students who identify themselves with a gender other than how they were born and that includes allowing access to bathrooms.

Screenshot of KTVL-News broadcast on Gender Neutral Bathrooms