
Sanders campaign manager: DNC chairwoman ‘throwing shade’ on Bernie

“So you think she’s greasing the skids for Hillary Clinton”, host Steve Kornacki asked. “Look, I gotta say it’s not the DNC”, Weaver clarified.


“The Sanders campaign and Sen”.

The Nevada Democratic Party said that 58 Sanders supporters were denied because they either were not registered Democrat voters by May 1 or their information (address, date of birth, name, etc.) could not be verified.

The criticism came after Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada was also critical of Sanders on Tuesday for failing to quell supporters after a fight broke out during his state’s Democratic convention in Las Vegas.

She then added: “When there is a “but” in between a condemnation of violence, generally, and after the word “but” you go on to seemingly justify the reason that that violence and intimidation has occurred, then that falls short of making sure that going forward, this kind of conduct doesn’t occur”. Visibly frustrated, he used a solid chunk of his airtime to personally attack Wasserman Schultz.

“That needs to be unequivocally condemned, and unfortunately it has not been unequivocally condemned”, she said.

Schultz has some other things to worry about – namely, her congressional seat.

“Many top Democrats, including some she counts as supporters and friends, privately complain about her trying to use the DNC as a vehicle for her own personal promotion, and letting her own ambition get in the way of larger goals”, Politico added. State party chair Roberta Lange claims she has received death threats over her handling of the primary convention and awarding of delegates. Immediately after the Nevada state convention, Wasserman Schultz went on national television, accusing the Sanders campaign of fomenting “violence” at the event.

Mrs. Clinton spent Monday campaigning in Kentucky, showing how the battle against Mr. Sanders continues to distract her campaign even as she turns her fire on Donald J. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee. But it is unclear if Sanders’ passionate fans will follow suit.

“I hope to learn [at the DNC] that the Democratic Party can change and that they can represent the ideas of grassroots organizers”, says Pooler.

Exit polls last week during the West Virginia Democratic primary showed a similar dynamic, with 44 percent of voters who supported Sanders saying that they would back Trump in a general election. So I say to the leadership of the Democratic Party: “Open the doors, let the people in!”

“It’s not the DNC”, Weaver told CNN.

Mika Brzezinski, a morning news personality on MSNBC, is urging Democrat National Committee (DNC) Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to step down.

In 2008, when Clinton lost to Barack Obama, 54 percent of her supporters said in one poll that they would not vote for him. Alderman told McClatchy on Wednesday. “We need to bring these people together – that did not happen”. “But that doesn’t negate her intention to be fair and balanced”.

Sanders also alleged that shots were fired into his campaign office several months ago, though he did not speculate who was responsible.

Feinstein criticized Vermont Sen. “All those people that gave him $25, $26, $27, to just play nice with the Democratic Party and fold yourself into convention at the end when the Democratic Party doesn’t respect them”.


“The actions of the credentials committee violates the spirit of the Nevada state delegate plan which encourages full participation in the democratic process, and it violates the spirit and values of our state and our nation”.

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