
Republican 2016 hopeful Huckabee rakes in almost $1 million for speeches

During a campaign stop in Rockwell City, Iowa, Rolling Stone contributor Matt Taibbi asked Huckabee if he meant he would send the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the National Guard to close down abortion clinics.


Huckabee repeated the popular myth that scientific studies now suggest that “unborn babies are human beings”, and even went as far as to suggest that had the Supreme Court known this in 1973, they would have ruled differently on Roe v. Wade.

In a speech Friday, Republican presidential hopeful, Mike Huckabee told a crowd that he would “invoke the 5th and 14th amendments for the protection of every human being”.

“All American citizens should be protected”, he added.

No stranger to making controversial comments, besides being staunchly pro-life, Huckabee has joined an increasing number of Presidential candidates in stating that he is in favor of stopping any further funding for Planned Parenthood. “There’s nothing that they do, which is very little for women’s health, that couldn’t be done by better and more responsible providers rather than these butchers who are out there justifying and defending the slaughter of children and the selling of their parts”.

Featured Image: Mike Huckabee speaking at CPAC 2014 in Washington, DC. He said then that the agreement would march the Israelis “to the door of the oven”.

Huckabee said the United States effectively surrendered to Iran in agreeing to ease economic sanctions in exchange for increased inspections and curbs on the country’s nuclear program.


In Iowa on Thursday, Huckabee indicated he could be open to employing the full force of the federal government, including troops, to halt legal abortions.

Mike Huckabee Will Not Rule Out Using Federal Troops To Stop Abortions