
IOC President Bach: Boston failed to deliver on ‘promises’ to USOC during

Former National Basketball Association star Yao Ming and Sochi Olympic bronze medalist figure skater Denis Ten differ in height by exactly two feet.


“The best part of either winning or losing an Olympic bid was that you have a whole ton of master planning that was done with private money”, Dinopoulos said in an interview with WBUR.

Boston’s withdrawal would have conjured up painful memories for the IOC, who suffered the loss of four candidates for the 2022 Winter Games when financial concerns prompted them to pull their bids in similar fashion.

Global Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach said Wednesday that Boston had failed to fulfill its promises to the USOC and that he expected another U.S. city would bid for 2024.

Meanwhile, officials from the USOC and Los Angeles have repeatedly denied having any official contact. How could the USOC not have gauged the unsteadiness of the bid and the amount of opposition in Boston? “It was pretty confusing.

A new-style IOC annual report was to be published, said Bach, which would include details of directors’ remuneration packages, something which Blatter’s Federation Internationale de Football Association has repeatedly avoided. But their streamlining reminded me of a dieter who gives up chocolate ice cream but keeps gobbling mocha almond.

Wallechinsky said the USOC’s blunder with Boston 2024 should lead whichever U.S. city is selected to make it clear that local organizers are leading the bid.

Bach says it’s an “internal issue” for the USOC to determine the most appropriate city after Boston dropped out of the running.

Ultimately, Boston’s bid was scuttled by waning support from Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, a Democrat and an early supporter of the bid, and Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker, a Republican, mainly because both can read a poll.

Their new plan took a blowtorch to the popular idea of a compact, walkable Olympics, instead spreading venues around the metro area and the state. The IOC will elect the host in 2017. Its not a good deal for taxpayers.”.

The city and the U.S. Olympic Committee severed ties after a board teleconference Monday, ending an effort that was troubled almost from the moment it started.

According to Mori, the IOC side said that plans are inherently subject to change and that it would leave work on a new construction plan to the Tokyo committee.

“In the coming days we will see many elements of the Olympic Agenda 2020 in action”. We have this commitment.

“And we’re confident that USOC will choose the most appropriate city for a strong bid”. The entire IOC Session will be broadcast live on Tune in to see where the Games will go in 2022 – to Almaty (Kazakhstan) or Beijing (China)*; and which city will host the Winter Youth Olympic Games in 2020 – Brasov (Romania) or Lausanne (Switzerland)**.


Los Angeles has nearly all their venues already intact, and could bid with a couple years notice.

L.A. Congressional Delegation Backs 2024 Olympics Bid