
Bernie Sanders Drops in to Downtown SF; Is Photographed

Wednesday’s affair in San Francisco was nearly impromptu: there were no security checkpoints with metal detectors, and San Francisco police only briefly closed down a block of California near the 101 California building, long enough for the Sanders campaign motorcade to approach and for the #Bern himself to pop out of a white SUV and give a brief speech. Beyond the California-specific stumping, Sanders struck all the familiar themes of wealth inequality, racial injustice, gender discrimination and environmental degradation at the hands of greedy corporations.


When it comes to immigration reform, Sanders said he’s willing to bypass Congress if needed.

“Our job is to take on Wall Street, not take their money”, he said to a roaring crowd. He has said he will push on through the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia in July, despite almost insurmountable odds.

The rally is part of Sanders’ two-day swing through California that will begin Tuesday evening in the Los Angeles suburb of Carson, where he will address supporters at the StubHub Center as results trickle in from primaries held that day in Kentucky and Oregon. Sanders started his California visit in San Jose Wednesday, hoping to convince voters that he’s the only candidate who can defeat Republican Donald Trump this fall.

“I work full time”.

She believes Sanders’ push for a higher federal minimum wage and free college tuition will help. “They’re pretty familiar with the needs of the local jurisdiction”, she said. “People said ‘Why would he come to Vallejo?’ But he spoke for an hour in Stockton and why choose Stockton?”

Norbert Chen said Clinton doesn’t compare to Sanders.

“The Democratic Party has a choice, it can open its doors and welcome into the party people who are prepared to fight for real economic and social change”.

But the 28-year-old investment advisor from Cerritos said he would reluctantly back Clinton if Sanders falls short. His campaign and especially his so called supporters are so disingenuous about everything that I am now skeptical of everything they say, everything they post on the internet, etc. I do see one person in the photo with what appears to be a campaign sign, but it could be photoshopped.

Sabrina Rios of Laguna Nigel can’t imagine voting for anyone other than Sanders. “She voted for a war I lost soldiers in”.


“Absolutely not. It’s Bernie or Bust”.

Cars drive along the junction of PR-52 and PR-22 highways in San Juan Puerto Rico