
Justin Trudeau says ‘I am human’ and apologizes after fracas in parliament

Foothills MP John Barlow saw first hand what happened on Wednesday and says it’s not uncommon to see fellow MPs of all political parties discuss their votes and the prime minister’s actions were ill-advised.


“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone”.

All that said, video of the incident makes the elbowing look like an honest mistake, and, at least to my American eyes, doesn’t quite deserve the description of “physical molestation”.

“I think people understand that there is a tremendous amount of pressures that come with this job and I am human”, Trudeu said.

During this process, the PM elbowed NDP MP Ruth Ellen Brosseau, she immediately clung to her chest as if in pain, and her lips mouthed the word, “ouch”.

The motion was the result of a vote Monday in the Commons that the Liberals almost lost, thanks in part to a procedural trick by the NDP – a trick the motion would have prevented from being repeated in future.

“Some of the portrayal, I think, of the exit view seems to really undervalue the extent of intertwined-ness that has evolved over these years”.

“It was very overwhelming and so I left the chamber to go and sit in the lobby”.

“Members, rightfully, expect better behaviour from anyone in this House”.

Opposition MPs said Trudeau could make amends by withdrawing his government’s motion M-6, which would give them enormous power to control the House agenda and limit the opposition’s ability to slow down debate.

Footage from the Commons television feed showed Trudeau trying to pull Brown through the crowd.

“There was no reason for the prime minister to leave his seat and act the way he did”. “I know, and I regret that my behaviour yesterday failed to meet this standard”.

Speaker Geoff Regan concluded there was a prima facie case that Brosseau’s privileges as an MP had been breached, which means the encounter will be examined by an all-party committee.


“I’m going to apologize again for an incident in the House this evening that might take away a little bit in the news tomorrow, and for some people, the extraordinary celebration that today is, and the important momentous occasion that this day represents, not just in the story of Sikh and southeast Asian Canadians, but in the story of this country”, Trudeau said.

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