
Bill Clinton campaigning for Hillary Clinton in Fargo

Trump lashed out political leaders, in particular Hillary Clinton, his potential Democratic rival in the November general elections, for not having an effective policy against ISIS.


As of Thursday, Hillary Clinton crowned herself the Democratic nominee, despite the fact that the primary season is still ongoing and she is unable to reach the number of delegates needed to clinch the nomination without the help of superdelegates.

And husband Bill Clinton will be campaigning Saturday in Chula Vista and Pomona on behalf of his wife, with a string of other stops planned by the former president through Monday. They insist on counting superdelegates in the tally, as many superdelegates said early in the election cycle that they would support Hillary Clinton – even before Sanders declared his candidacy – but their commitments and their votes are not set or cast until the convention in July.

Sanders’ heavy campaign spending wasn’t a problem when his online supporters were minting him money. The DNC and Clinton supporters like Senator Barbara Boxer are now blaming Sanders for the angry response of his supporters after the Nevada convention denied many of his delegates the ability to participate. By the start of May, the campaign had just $5.8 million on hand.

Sanders will speak Friday at a community college in the state capital of Santa Fe before heading to Albuquerque.

The former first lady, who carried California in the 2008 Democratic presidential primary, is due back in the state next week.

Both people seeking the Democratic nomination have raised more than Trump.


SIOUX FALLS | Despite the drawn-out primary fight, Bill Clinton says he thinks Democrats will be able to “be together in the end”. He also addressed Clinton’s premature, self-declared win to CNN.

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