
Former Rep. Anthony Weiner has new job as PR consultant

Anthony Weiner, the former Democratic Congressman from New York who resigned after an online sexting scandal in 2011, has joined MWW as a member of its board of advisers. He has raised more than $100,000 for Clinton’s presidential campaign in the last four months – making him a so-called “Hillblazer”.


Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin (HOO’-muh AB’-uh-deen), is a longtime Clinton aide.

MWW, which has close ties to Hillary Clinton, has confirmed it is welcoming Weiner to its board of advisors, according to the New York Post.

MWW, which is known for creating the “Stronger Than The Storm” media campaign for New Jersey after it was hit by Hurricane Sandy in 2012, is considered to be an expert in crisis communications. “His public policy expertise will be a great asset to our firm”. Additional photos led to his resignation. He admitted to sexting with a woman in Seattle in June 2011.

He became a nationwide laughingstock in 2011 when he was forced to step down from Congress after lying about sending out an embarrassing image of his penis.

The underlying controversy involved suggestive pictures and text messages sent by Weiner to a series of contacts far from his congressional circle, and later reports revealed that this behavior continued well after the news first went public. He then ran for mayor in 2013, claiming he had cleaned up his act.

Weiner came under national scrutiny for his botched management of his own scandal. His campaign staffers were blindsided by the sordid revelations, which destroyed what some saw as a decent chance for redemption.


“Anthony Weiner’s primary role at MWW will be as a part-time consultant primarily focused on policy and new business development”, said Paul Tencher, the Washington, D.C., managing director for MWW, in an email to Politico .

Then New York Congressman Anthony Weiner at a press conference in 2011 at the height of his first sexting scandal. He has now been taken on by a top PR firm specializing in crisis management